The Is-Us ~ Acrylic on canvas 36"x48"

A spiritually solipsistic personification, The Is-Us
Acrylic on canvas 36"x48"

I painted this over an 18 month period.. slowly drawing brush strokes across this once white canvas.. in that special state of mind where the creativity flows...

(Canon 5d Mark iii / Canon 24-70mm 2.8f)

the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

Others may view this perspective as immoral, however, from my perspective, recognizing the self as the universal oversoul
allows me to see myself in others on a deeper level.

We are all one, no matter how separated from source the individual experience may seem..

You'll notice that there is no Cross, for which life is bound to in this piece of art. This is because the mathematical framework (Phi 1:1.618) is simply the platform in which the conscious circuitous curves explore.

Consciousness = Curvature of Experience
Unconsciousness = Linear Framework

We were are the experience that waves about the framework.

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