Decrypting the 5 Pointed Star - Devilish or Divine? Berlin Germany

I've been in Berlin for the week before SteemFest and have been looking deeper into the 5 pointed star in relation to sacred geometry and occultism. I am seeing SO MUCH symbolism here in Germany.

Here are some of my notes, showing how φPhi folds back into the apex of the sphere when expanding outward from an inner 5 sided pentagon.

This outward φPhi spiral will not rejoin with the perimeter when created from an inner 3 sided triangle or 4 sided square.

The 5 sided pentagon is the first shape that allows this 5x 72° angled star to find balance.

The pentagon's equilibrium allows for the φPhi system to unfold in both linear and circuitous phases. Each side of the pentagon = 1, and the remaining extensions to the apex of the circle are the next phase of φPhi, 1.618.

61.8% is a critical number in any conscious response of feedback looping. Ocean waves, #Bitcoin price action.. etc
5 pointed star.jpg

We see this pantheon triangle in so much statist architecture.




And on the flags we see this..

USA 5 pointed stars

China 5 pointed stars

China 5 pointed stars with inner pentagon

The numbers are very important. In the 5 pointed star of φPhi we have 5, 72° angles. 72 x 360 = 25,920 - The number of years in the Great Year.

Every 72 years, the Earth 'tilts' 1° - or the sky-rim tilts 1° - This depends on how the Earth and Universe appear to you, Flat or Sphere.. but nevertheless, the math adds up. This system is called the Precession of the Equinoxes.


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