How to limit EOS witness overselling capacity ?

What will be limiting the ability of EOS witness nodes to oversell their resources ? Network capacity benchmarks ?

In the context of STEEM,

If  20 nodes all with an average capacity of 30 000 Tx/s set their blocksize limit to something that would equate 300 000 tx/s if 100% of SP was being used to fill blocks. 

If 30% of steem is in STEEM Power, and 5-10% of SP is ever being used at once. It mean witness have a temptation to oversell their resources by 20-50 times.

It could be disruptive to some dapp business models if they were promised a stable or even ever increasing network capacity but being early and alone on the network, were being over-delivered bandwidth relative to the number of EOS tokens they hold.


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