UXfyre.io - Closing the User Experience Feedback Loop

Thousands of teams are building out new products and services in the crypto eco-sphere all

working towards that common goal of mass adoption. “Build it and ship it” is the way it usually

rolls. These teams have limited access to test their products with real users and forking out large

sums of cash for incumbent user testing platforms is simply a luxury that most start-ups can’t


We believe that the best way to validate that your user experience is up to scratch, is to validate it

with actual users. To ensure that these users want to provide development teams with feedback

there needs to be some incentive for them to participate. Enter UXfyre, the world’s first

decentralized user experience testing platform.


Our platform will provide applications to connect development teams with end-users and close

the feedback loop. The platform will also provide an incentive mechanism to encourage

participation along with a reputation system to ensure that the best users providing the most

valuable feedback are rewarded appropriately.

We've just opened up our beta program registration at uxfyre.io so if you're one of those ninjas on a development team or a user who wants to be incentivized to give feedback head over and sign up at our website.

Check out our whitepaper and exec summary deck.


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