A new opportunity? RAM Income for Staking EOS

EOSVibes put this out a few hours ago summarizing Dan's proposal to reduce the cost of RAM on the EOS main-net. If you have not followed what has been going on with EOS RAM prices, its been nuts. A 20x increase in RAM costs at one point since the launch of the main-net. It's settled down a bit, but its still an issue holding back some of the airdrops...not enough RAM?!? That sounds like bull (Clarence the Bull-One of my favorite Gold coins) to me....


Anyway, its an interesting concept and I for one would love to earn a passive income off of my EOS stake and if it keeps RAM costs down on the worlds largest supercomputer, all the better. Have a look, its only 4 minutes...

I am Lord @matthewwarn and I have Stackitis...but there are worse problems to have in life. Like not getting in early on EOS.


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