Vote tracker BOT V2 is out

EOSMediterranean vote tracker BOT V2 is the union of BOT V1 and the famous RUPERT BOT from BP Fish.

Now we have in one tool rank changes, proxy accounts changes(Stake/Unstake), and BP votes.

Some examples to show you how it works.
To join the BOT you need to add to your favorite telegram app and/or channel, once you join or add the channel this is what you will see:

Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 16.00.45.png

/start is the command that will take you into the BOT´s menu, once inside you can activate the account to be watched. If you don't specify a threshold, by default, it will be of 10K EOS, the command for this is: /producer followed by a space and the name of the producer you want to follow:

Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 16.17.44.png

Once activated the watch on the producer you will also get messages for the rank changes that might occur while watching that producer:

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The exact same process applies to follow a proxy:

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Those are the basic commands, you can also set a threshold in case your producer (hopefully) gets very successful and you are receiving too many messages. In this example, we set the threshold to 200K:

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In this other example we reduce the votes to 500:

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Finally, if you want to unwatch any producer or proxy the commands are: /producer_unwatch followed by space and name of producer:

Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 16.33.33.png

To unwatch proxies the command will be: /proxy_unwatch followed by space and the name of the proxy to unwatch

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We hope the community enjoys this little toy, we love to send a big shout to Kevin Rose from @eosnewyork for everything him and his team do, but especially for helping us to make the BOT logo/image better

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