Worker Proposals & Token Verification Coming to EOS?

In my last post on the EOS User Agreement, just having passed, i predicted, things will now move fast on EOS and indeed they do! Rex is being finalised, and now there is a new poll set up by EOS New York who have become real masterminds in EOS governance:

Addressing EOS Token Smart Contracts and a Proposal for Core Development Funding on EOS


It is easy to read and has a concise abstract, so i will deliver only the TL;DR version of the proposal:

  1. Dapps can issue their tokens via the EOS token contract that has been used to issue the genuine EOS tokens. Tokenomics and holdings can only be changed via a 15/21 vote by BPs. So this provides a stronger decentralisation of Dapps operations.

  2. Short Names for such tokens can be auctioned, by thhe dapp developer, this way, the receive a sort of official seal of decentralisation and authenticity.

  3. Fees allocated from this auction system is to nourish a Commons Fund that is to reward projects relevant for the whole mainchain. These will need to be proposed via the EOS referendum sysmtem (Sic!)

Read the full analysis on Trybe

Our proxy pilotsvoting will vote in favor of this proposal.

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