$EOS Prophecies and Comprehensive Collection of Information #EOS Investors Should Know!



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∞ What is EOS.IO?

Official Website : https://www.eos.io/

EOS ERC20 Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/EOS

EOS.IO Technical Whitepaper : https://github.com/EOSIO/Documentation/blob/master/TechnicalWhitePaper.md

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∞ Who is Block.one and Brendan Blumer, the CEO?

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∞ Decentralized Funding and the New Corporate Structure by block.one CEO Brendan Blumer

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EOS - Decentralized Autonomous Corporations as explained by Brendan Blumer :

∞ Who is Dan Larimer?



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∞ Why EOS.IO?

∞ EOS.IO: Why Build a General Purpose Platform?

∞ Is EOSIO Centralized?

∞ EOS.IO: Decentralize and Disrupt

∞ EOS.IO - Advice to Developers

∞ EOS Venture Capitalist Partnerships and Information


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∞ Is Block.one Launching the EOSIO Blockchain?

∞ When will I receive native cryptographic tokens on the EOS Platform?

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∞ Plans for EOS Token Distribution

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∞ How to Register your Ethereum Address to receive EOS tokens upon EOS.IO Launch

This is the website I found miraculously by digging endlessly on the internet.
This worked for me and I have confirmed using eosauthority.com that I have successfully claimed my tokens.
So follow these instructions very carefully and exactly and within a couple minutes you'll be all done registering your Ethereum wallet address that you should have connected to a ledger nano or other hardware wallet like trezor.

So long as you register in this way you can be sure you will be privy to future airdrops as an EOS holder because those projects will use the snapshot taken of the Ethereum blockchain on or near the time of June 1st and in this way will see who is registered!

For example I am guaranteed to be airdropped IQ tokens after launch of EOS blockchain as I and only I have my private keys (ledger nano) and my Ethereum Wallet Address containing my ERC-20 EOS tokens is confirmed to be registered.


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To find out if you are successfully registered, simply go to the following website and enter your Ethereum Wallet Address containing your ERC-20 EOS tokens and you can in confidence confirm you are registered and ready to go!


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Find out your EOS address name! https://eosauthority.com/account

∞ EOS Wallet App in the Works



∞ Learn to build applications on EOS! Learn from the master himself.


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∞ Introduction to Blockchain: Daniel Larimer at Virginia Tech

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∞ What is Delegated Proof of Stake and why is it purportedly superior to other blockchains in the space?


Learn how Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) works :


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∞ EOS Storage

Scaling Blockchain Computation and Storage by Daniel Larimer :

5 Reasons Why EOS Storage Will Change Data Storage Forever :

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∞ EOS Resource Allocation

EOS Resource Allocation w/ Daniel Larimer :

∞ EOS even has a built in constitution! Can you see the Tao?

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∞ Extremely enlightening videos if you are patient and wise enough to listen very very carefully!

Sit-Down Q&A with Daniel Larimer :

EOS as explained by Dan Larimer :

∞ Dan Larimer Asks Tough Questions about Ethereum

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∞ Dan Larimer reviews Cardano's Ouroboros


∞ What is EOSfinex? A Decentralized Exchange built on EOS! Expected to launch in June.


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∞ Most Recent Announcements of Block.one Beginning with Most Recent

EOS.IO Release Update Dawn 4.2 :


EOS.IO 1.0 Release Update from Block.one :


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EOS Dawn 4.0 Release :


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Update on Block Producers :


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∞ Miscellaneous Crypto-Youtuber Opinions about the wonder of EOS :

May 25th, 2018 Update : Blockchain Talk: LIVE AMA (EOS & The Markets)

Will EOS Be the End of Ethereum?!?! 10 Facts About EOS : (my favorite of them all)

Are EOS.IO (EOS) Tokens Worthless?

Interview with Dan Larimer - EOS, Cardano, Ethereum, DPoS, Steemit, Crypto Bubble, Future of Crypto :

EOS Tribe Interview - EOS Go Live - Episode 12 on EOSRad.io

EOS IS GOING TO EXPLODE!! Chris Coney explains why EOS is his top pick :

EOS incredible wealth multiplier :

EOS Consensus Presentation May 2017 :

Dan Larimer on the Future of EOS and Decentralized Applications :

∞ New Innovations Being Built on EOS! Airdrops! Everipedia! Eosnation! Meet.one!

https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180515005811/en/Synacor-Brings-Zimbra-Email-Collaboration-Platform-Blockchain -Written by Business Wire, a Berkshire Hathaway company!

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Telegram Group: https://t.me/eosindex

Twitter of EOS Index.io : https://twitter.com/EOSindex




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∞ Links to telegram groups and discord chat and twitter and medium and reddit.

EOS.IO Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/eos/

EOS.IO Telegram Group : https://t.me/EOSproject

EOS.IO Price Discussion and Speculation Group : https://t.me/EOSPrice

EOS.IO Twitter : https://twitter.com/EOS_io

EOS Go Twitter : https://twitter.com/go_eos

Dan Larimer's Medium Profile and Catalog of Posts : https://medium.com/@bytemaster

Dan Larimer's Twitter : https://twitter.com/bytemaster7

Dan Larimer's Steemit : https://steemit.com/@dan

∞ Channels and other links for even more information about EOS
















Be sure to follow EOS GO!

Most Recent update by EOS Go as of May 25, 2018 :

What the EOS Launch May Look Like - #8

∞ Thoughts, Optimism, Speculation, Prophecies

I think EOS will find itself #1 on coinmarketcap.com. BTC will be #2.

EOS is greater than a currency in the sense that it's an ecosystem which will be like the "Microsoft of Blockchain" and will become worth trillions. BTC will still still be enormous, but second to EOS in my opinion.

Just imagine when billions of users will be operating on EOS decentralized social media platforms.

The beautiful part about EOS is greed. Human nature is built in. Incentives of all parties engaged in the ecosystem are beautifully aligned and synergistic. Game theory. It's genius.

I think in June ATH's will have been surpassed.

It is fail proof. EOS is going to win period.

Wouldn't it be cool to develop a psychedelic library of trip reports and scientific research on EOS. How cool would that be?! Like Erowid on EOS. See : https://www.erowid.org/ . So obviously needs an update.

$100 billion marketcap of EOS by end summer I see happening.

This time next year, EOS will have a trillion dollar marketcap.

It is hardly a gamble going in on EOS.

It's so clearly superior to anything else I've seen. Listen to Dan Larimer. Absorb his vision. See what he sees. This is not going to fail.

Why bother with NEO or ETH when their is EOS honestly. Dan has already solved the problems these blockchains only dream of solving. The future has arrived.

I will not be going in on any ICO unless it is on EOS. And most of ICO's on EOS will be airdropped no? Greatest dilution of token supply for future EOS ICO projects. The whole thing is pure genius. Legally AND technologically AND economically AND psychologically speaking.

Don't think EOS will overtake ETH in marketcap? Well conditions and times have changed, and now their is an avalanche of money waiting to enter, tens of billions, hundreds of billions. You think these VC's are going to not vet what they put billions of dollars into? Think like the rich, become rich.

And guess who owns 20% or greater of the ETH token supply... EOS, because of the year long ICO. See how smart that was?

What will happen when people no longer desire ETH tokens, because all the best ICO's are on EOS? And what will happen when EOS which has a substantial portion of Ethereum's supply because of the year long ICO, uses that ETH to invest in ICO projects that will be airdropped to EOS holders? See what's happening? It's inevitable. Again a re-distribution of wealth will occur as smart people migrate to the technology that enables them to build what they have been desiring to build but haven't been able to on other smart contract platforms due to fundamental technological limitations (i.e. scaling, centralization, fees, etc) of those platforms.

The airdrops, endless airdrops, will only compound exponentially the value of EOS tokens. Plus all the businesses that will migrate to EOS.

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Mikel in telegram asks :
Which % of the cryptomarket do you think EOS will have by the end of the year?

I say :
Hmm if BTC would have 20%, then EOS would be at parity at least with Bitcoin's marketcap valuation.
EOS will be #1. I have no doubts whatsoever. It's only a matter of time the inevitable occurring.

Ask yourself if it makes more sense that a currency or an ecosystem should be more valuable. Not really the correct way of thinking about it because they are both absolutely integral to crypto at large, but it makes more sense to me that an ecosystem which decentralizes governance and all the other wonderful aspects of EOS should at least be at parity with a currency, the only purpose of which is to well transfer value. EOS is far greater than that. The internet as such just became an order of magnitude potentially more complex because of what EOS.IO will enable. Whereas some think BTC could become the "native currency" of the internet, I think it'll actually be EOS that will fulfill that promise. Similar to how ETH is used a currency for its utility, EOS will be orders of magnitude more valuable and useful and trusted as a means of transferring not only value but also fulfilling multiple other functions, the creation of innumerable unforeseen unthought-of applications.

I still think BTC will be worth millions by end of 2020, but I also think EOS will be at parity if not greater in its marketcap considering what it will achieve if successful, and I have no doubts, for I believe in the humble self-effacing genius of Daniel Larimer.

And also the genius of all those developing on EOS and everybody else. I'm not idolizing Dan.
We do it together. We all play different roles. All essential. All necessary.

Once the realization dawns on people that EOS is actually doing what Dan said it was going to, FOMO will be unbelievable.

Even despite the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt), even despite diluting supply of tokens over a year long ICO, still EOS has risen to top 5. What do you think will happen when suddenly there is no more increasing supply of tokens, AND all the airdrops, AND tens and hundreds of billions flowing into EOS because it is proven working and valid in its overarching concept. This is the investment of your life.

The fact that EOS has surpassed its ATH before all the other alts is not reason not to invest; it should be the best reason to invest. It is a hint of what is to come.

Given only a $900 billion marketcap, (Microsoft's marketcap is just less than $700 billion) and 900,000,000 token supply, one EOS token will be $1000.

Another way to think about it is like this :

When BTC marketcap is in the trillions it is easy to conceive of EOS to be at least hundreds of billions if it isn't at parity. Still further down the line when BTC is tens of trillions, I can imagine EOS will have dramatically evolved and have been mass adopted, being worth north a trillion dollars if isn't already worth multiple trillions. BTC as currency native to the internet that is now secured and truly decentralized on top of the operating system of EOS which cannot be censored and is totally resilient to being taken down by any nefarious entity. If there is any crypto project most likely to succeed in my estimation in fulfilling its ambition it is most certainly EOS, given due consideration to all outstanding projects and general crypto-space conditions.

People don't really grasp just how much money is going to FOMO in from all directions when this goes live and then things start getting even nuttier as time accelerates onward. People are going to lose their minds over EOS. Have I?

I wonder if a privacy token could be created on EOS that is superior to all existing privacy coins.

Or do I have the wrong idea? What do you think?

Hold onto your hats fellas. This is going to be the ride of our lives.

Don't get vertigo.

This will be the year EOS flips ETH.

What I love about Dan Larimer is that he epitomizes Tao. Tao is always self-effacing. It doesn't claim its merit. It loves and nourishes all but doesn't lord it over them. The ecosystem of EOS is the best technology I have ever seen that is actually aligned with sane and sustainable human values and principles. This is why EOS will doubtlessly succeed.

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∞ Let's consider prices of EOS token given certain marketcap values it may undoubtedly achieve just for fun shall we.

Current price at time of calculations is $12.58.

• If marketcap of $90 billion is achieved, that's a multiplier of 7.77x from where it is now, and given circulating supply of 900,000,000, the value of a single EOS token would be $100.

• If marketcap of $270 billion is achieved, that's a multiplier of 23.3x from where it is now, and given circulating supply of 900,000,000, the value of a single EOS token would be $300.

• If marketcap of $450 billion is achieved, that's a multiplier of 38.8x from where it is now, and given circulating supply of 900,000,000, the value of a single EOS token would be $500.

• If marketcap of $675 billion is achieved, that's a multiplier of 58.3x from where it is now, and given circulating supply of 900,000,000, the value of a single EOS token would be $750.

• If marketcap of $900 billion is achieved, that's a multiplier of 77.7x from where it is now, and given circulating supply of 900,000,000, the value of a single EOS token would be $1000.

One by one each milestone will be reached, and the fudsters who thought EOS was a plan of the illuminati are going to be quite salty indeed. Beware of the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) that will come by those bitter and resentful they missed out on what will inevitably turn out to be the greatest investment opportunity of their lives into the foreseeable future.

Good luck and may the best of fortune bless us all.


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John McAfee at Blockchain Nation Miami May 2018 :

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