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Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the steemit block chain. It is another wonderful time for your favourite and entertaining show titled, "Saturday night with Zizy". I bring to you tonight the 20th episode. It has been a journey of 5months with so many high and low moments but most especially I owe the success of this show to you my wonderful and amazing audience.

Later week unfortunately I couldn't put up the show because real life outside the block chain caught up with me and there was absolutely nothing I can do about it. I am aware I am yet to reply comments on the show but nevertheless I want to sincerely appreciate all of you who took time out of your busy schedule to show me some love on the comment section. I shall surely visit it soon.

Without much Ado, DJ play the music in jenifa's voice...LOL

Today on the 20th episode of this show, I shall be doing something different from the expected. It's been 5 amazing months and I feel it is wise to go down memory lane and see how far we have come, cross the T's and do the I's. This may also be beneficial to so many of us who didn't start the show from the first episode.



On the third week in the month of April, Saturday night with Zizy took the steemit block chain by storm with an introduction that generated over hundred comments. It was the first of it's kind, a show to help solve and manage relationship issues on the block chain. The responses signified it was a welcomed developments and the episode one couldn't wait to kick off.

On the first episode, the expectations were high but I delivered with the first topic, "why do men pull away after sex?" A survey of why men runaway after sex was taken and it generated some funny responses. If you wanna know more please do check it out.

"The art of kissing" followed as episode 2 on the show. Some men are terrible kissers and needed to understand that kissing is not just an action but an art needed to be mastered. The benefits of kissing was also discussed. This episode featured the 70k and 30k saga. If you know you know... lol

Saturday night with Zizy welcomed the month of may with an explosive episode 3. On this episode we talked about a very controversial topic, "men and women who enjoys sex more?" The arguments were hearted but it was worth it. You can check it out to know more.

Episode 4 talked about "things you should never apologize for". I talked about 8 things specifically that doesn't require you ever saying the word, "sorry". You wanna know those things? You know what to do.It was on this episode that my live show on airhawk discord server every Saturday by 8pm was born after much persuasion from @surfyogi to start one

Episode 5 entered gallantly and it was addressed to the ladies. So many times we spend years dating a guy and believing it will end happily ever after only for him to wake up one day and say 'he can't picture you in his future". It very devastating but it can be handled. Take a flight down to find out how and more.

Here comes episode 6 with what I may call the highlight of the show. A lot of people enjoyed the episode and so many sent private messages saying thank you. The topical issue was "Assumption". So many of us are still guilty of this cankerworm. Read up and remind yourself.

How to know your partner is not over his or her ex was episode 7. Relationship is tough enough let alone competing for your partner's attention with someone who was supposed to be an ex. It could just be you are paranoid or perhaps he or she is truly not over the ex. Find out how to know.

Cheating as difficult as it is to define was the topic for episode 8. We talked about why people cheat and if a relationship can survive after cheating. The comment section was agog with arguments and counted arguments. The arguments were carried on to Episode 9 and people had more opportunities to air their mind on if a relationship can survive after a cheating episode

From he previous battle ground, a new topic was inspired and became a topical issue for episode 10 with the topic, "how can you tell if it is just sex or he wants more?" The guys felt cheated and chanted that an episode on same topic should be written with particular reference to women and this became the episode 11 with the topic, "how can you tell it is just sex or she wants more?'

Episode 12 looked at an issue of most relationships which is money. We talked about why money matters in a relationship and concluded that love is not enough to sustain a relationship. Do you disagree? Well read up first, your mindset might be changed.

If money is not forthcoming in a relationship and it feels like your partner is wasting your time, should you double date? Episode 13 talked about this and more. People have various reasons for double dating but is it valid?

Say you decide not to double date and stick with the relationship, do you know love actually dies when it is not nurtured with love, care and affection? Episode 14 talked about what causes love to die and episode 15 gave us guidelines on how to rekindle dying love. In doing this, understand that what is not meant to be can never be. Not all relationships can be saved.

An anonymous writer talked about a girl he met barely a week demanding from 5k from him. This spurred up various reactions from readers on the comment section. Ladies were called gold diggers, oh well I needed to let people know what my stand point was and on episode 16, we talked about if a lady should ask for money from her boyfriend and the right time to do so. Besides how much is too much?

Episode 17 talked about why people find it hard to apologize. "I am sorry", three simple but heavy words to say. We all know it is important but why do we find it so difficult apologizing? This lingered to episode 18 where we talked about "the right way to apologise". If it is important and difficult we might as well learn the best way to do it so it will be accepted.

Episode 19 talked about a new topic "Ghosting". What is ghosting and why do people ghost in relationships? It is a very bad habit and affects your partner negatively. If you missed it, well it is better late than never.

This is the journey so far on your favourite show "Saturday night with Zizy" I would love some feedback from my audience. Appraisals are welcome be it positive or negative criticism.

1. What episode did you join the show?

2. What has been your experience so far?

3. What episode was your best episode on the show?

4. Has the show in anyway affected your relationship positively or negatively?

5. What do you think I should improve on or relinquish?

6. What topic suggestions would you love me to discuss on this show?

A very big thank you to everyone who has been pivotal to the success of this show from the introduction phase till date.

If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator@sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.

I hate to leave you but leave you I must

Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain

Yours truly
