Theramin: Musical instruments that can be played without touch


Many of us play different musical instruments such as guitar, violin, drums, bases, sitar, flute etc. However, most of the musical instruments we know are played with hands or face. Without touching the musical instrument, it is normal, is not it?
It is a device that can not be played on the touch, and this machine is used by many of our famous and famous songs and tunes. The name of this device is Thérémin. It is also called Etherfone and Theremenbox. There is no need to touch this musical instrument. The sound of this machine comes out from the hand while standing in front of the hand. But behind him is the extraordinary creativity of science and mankind.


Thermene; Image Source:

How was Theerman's birth?

Thermene is going to be a hundred year next year. When compared to the history of other known musical instruments, it can be called a child. But Themeriman's history is such a thriller and it is strange, like a lot of a machine. This instrument was discovered in the Soviet era. During the research of a wave sensor called Proximity Sensor, young Soviet scientist Lave Sergeyevich Teremen or Theermen discovered the device in October 1920. The name of the device is Terenavox, which means the voice of the thornman. At that time the Russian Civil War, the government's study of Proximity Sensor was also intended for warfare, to find the enemy at the battlefield. In doing research on such instruments, Terman invented a musical instrument!

The Terman made a long trip to Europe with the device, but could not afford it. Then he came to America and took the patent of his machine in 1928. In America, many of these devices have taken notice. The popularity of this device increased greatly during the 1930s, under the patronage of Louis Bigelow and her husband Walter Beagle.
Abhang-garde artist Joseph Shilinger first appeared in Thermene's immense potential. In 1929, he organized his first 'airfare suite' in New York, so that Terman himself played the role of Solo Therminism. The American electronic company RCA tried to market the thermine machine with this opportunity. But it does not matter, only 485 units of Thememena were sold during the initial stages.


Joseph Shilinger and Leon Terman; Image Source:

Thermene production

Thermen is not only as an (untouchable!) Device, it is also the world's first significant electronic musical instrument! Thieramine looks like a box. It usually has two antennas; A horizontal or horizontal and a vertical or vertical. There are electromagnetic fields around these two antennas. By moving hands in front of thymene, you are creating a bias or interference, because the naturally occurring body in the body is the electric charge, which acts as an effect for the thermine's electromagnetic field.

With horizontal antenna, you can control the sound intensity or volume, and the pitch or the volume is controlled by the vertical antenna.


Themeren antenna Image Source:

How to play Themerin?

Generally the themmans are made for the right-handed Therminist, the special theory for the left-handed is made quite later. So we will know for example the thorameen playing right hand side.

Stand by a therapist Théréméman (remember, the intensity and degree of music will depend on the distance from the antenna). In front of the vertical antenna he will move his right hand on the right and left. This will change the sound pitch, the lowest pitch is heard from the antenna about 2 feet away from the antenna. As far as approaching, the length of the pitch decreases. In front of the horizontal antenna, he will put his left hand up and down, the volume will be controlled. The minimum intensity of the sound is heard at an altitude of 2.5 centimeters. Therminists will raise the arm as high as the sounds, the more intense the noise will be.

Feeling too complicated to hear? Yes, you have to do a lot of practice to play Thermene. It will take a lot of time to adjust the two hands. But patiently, if you learn to play this instrument, you will not be disappointed, after listening to some of the famous melodramatic tunes below it can understand.

Thememen's music, Themerm's tune

Theoremin was the first notable discovery in the world of electronic music, and the foundation of this type of music was also created due to Themermin's arrival. For the style of Buzzy and tinny sounds we have to accept electronic loans for the style of electronic music.

As an instrument sold in just 485 units in the preliminaries, Thermene's influence in the world was astonishing. Still, electric guitars and synthesizers have not been discovered. At that time Thermene was like a magic box, with a viewer-audience. Théréméne's melody entertained with artists such as Clara Veron and Lucy Rossen, who watched the audiences who were so accustomed to hearing natural acoustics.


Clara is playing Thermene; Image Source:

Theoremin has written concert music, many other popular composers like Percy Greyinger, Christian Oulf, and Moritz Egart. Many have also written Thermene Insambol 5-6 Themerin, which was tested as a substitute for the traditional String Karte.

A special technique of Theermen's music is 'glide' or 'slip away' from one level to another. Because of this strategy, many well-known musicians wrote the world's first 'Free Music' on this device.

At present, many musicians of classical music are using this device, and noticeably the use of themmene for the composition of female composers, such as Lydia Cavina, Pamelia Kirstin, Barbara Busholz and others.

Popmusic has been using Thermene to be a lot, still being. In Rock Gane, Thermene first used a band called 'Lothar and the Hand People', in 1965. One year later, the famous boy 'The Beach Boys' used an instrument called Electro-Thermene in 1966 called 'Good Vibrations', which is not thermine, but a homogeneous instrument. However, the most notable examples are perhaps the use of Thermene in the song 'Whale Lotta Love' and 'No Quarter' by Lead Zeppelin.

The greatest composer of the twentieth century, whom many think, the dimitar Shostakovich included Thermemin for the first time in his orchestral music, and this music was used by Leonid Trowberg's 'Odna' (made in 1931) film. Thermene was very popular in the film music, and this popularity still continues. The main reason for this is probably the strange tone of Theerman's, which goes very well with the effects of science fiction and horror movies. Many famous movies such as Spellbund, The Red House, The Day the Earth Studio, The Thing from Ender World and many more have been applied to Themerin's words. There has been a lot of use of television dramas and telefilmie thymene.

Theermen's price is not very high, only $ 25 can be found to operate, but its sound quality will not be very good. You can get very good Thermene for $ 120-250, spending a little money; Burns B3, Mug Tharmen, B3 Deluxe, Mug Etherwave etc are good brands.

Then why are you waiting? You also start buying a Themenin and playing it. There is no doubt that Themermin can add new dimensions to the music.

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