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The Ozempic Commercial Must Go!

I realize that this article here of mine is different from what I normally post here on the Hive blockchain. However, I felt that I had to get this all off my chest, because it has been eating away at me for a long time. Prepare yourself, because I'm getting ready to rake a television advertiser over the coals more than I have ever done so in the past.

I've seen television advertisers do some really tacky things in the past. For example, back in 2002, I once saw a television commercial about a sale that a store chain was having in celebration of the September 11 attacks. Well, Ozempic's current television commercial is every definition of disgusting and reprehensible. Their television commercial needs to go away as in YESTERDAY!

The majority of us have tastes in different music genres. Some of us like music that is currently on the billboard charts. Some of us like the oldies. We could be into rock-and-roll, country music, Rhythm and Blues or even opera. Here in the United States of America, there is a variety of music to choose from, and we even import many of our songs from other nations. Whether you are a fan of the Jonas Brothers or Fleetwood Mac, there is something for everyone in the music entertainment industry.

I like all kinds of music. I really like oldies, because the musicians and singers who perform those songs do not rely on computer technology for their voices to sound good. One rock-and-roll band that has caught my interest in the past was Pilot from Scotland. Their song titled "Magic" is a classic rock song originally from the 1970s, and people of all generations have seemed to cherish this song as a musical relic of the past, even those who had not been born yet upon this song's release. Listen to Pilot perform this song in the YouTube video below.

The Scottish Rock Band Named Pilot Performs Their Song Titled "Magic"

Disgracefully, the company that distributes Ozempic has gone and used this song in a television advertisement in a demeaning way. Their advertisement not only inundates the television airwaves, but people are also being tortured with it on YouTube through their advertisements that appear at the beginning of most every YouTube video. Many people are unhappy about it and annoyed with it, including me. A YouTuber who goes by the username of Twisted Dark Justin 1998 provides his verbal objection to this same advertisement in his video below.

YouTuber Twisted Dark Justin 1998 Wants The Ozempic Commercial Taken Off The Air Forever

This same Ozempic advertisement has repeatedly aired on both television and YouTube for way too long. Well, YouTuber Twisted Dark Justin 1998 is a nicer person than I am, because he still likes the song "Magic" by Pilot; whereas this Ozempic commercial has caused me not even to want to listen to the original song from whence it was derived.

There is no television commercial that could be any more intellectually bankrupt and offensive than the Ozempic advertisement. The producers of that same television commercial have it in their deluded minds that people actually find the contents of it to be funny. Not at all! The people in the advertisement are making fools out of themselves. Moreover, diabetes is no laughing manner. Can't these idiots take a hint that their television commercial is probably the most hated one ever to air in American history?

Having to watch this television advertisement again and again and again for the umpteenth time brings me back to a time in my childhood when I overheard my mother talking with her friends about how people had written letters to television stations and even to the advertisers themselves about how annoyed they were from the stupid commercials that they had to see day in and day out whenever they tried to watch their favorite television shows. Ozempic is not really promoting their product by presenting it in a crass manner. People will likely be reluctant to purchase Ozempic after going through the torture and agony of seeing this advertisement so many times.

Now, I understand that perhaps Pilot had no say in whether or not this song got used in a stupid Ozempic commercial. It could very well be that someone else holds all the rights to their song "Magic"; and if that is the case, then my heart goes out to Pilot as they probably disapprove of their song being misused in this manner too. I don't really think that it is Pilot singing the Ozempic song in the background but rather a band that sounds exactly like them. However, if Pilot actually gave their consent to Ozempic for them to sabotage their song in this manner, then I feel that they have nobody to blame but themselves for allowing for this business move that will continue to trash their reputation as musicians and singers.

As YouTuber Twisted Dark Justin indicated in his video above, this is not the first time that an advertiser has ruined a song in this manner. I'm a fan of Sly And The Family Stone. However, I remember a television advertisement from a car company that used their song titled "Everyday people" in a way that didn't make them look good. I've never been a fan of car commercials, and this one advertisement did nothing to raise my opinion about them.

One of the car companies using "Everyday people" in one of their advertisements was the icing on the cake in making their car commercials look stupider than they have ever done so, especially because the lyrics of that song have nothing to do with cars. Then again, most car commercials are stupid and show stuff that has nothing to do with their vehicles.

Sly Stone has gotten arrested for doing drugs in the past. I believe that he had to have been on drugs when he agreed with a car company to allow them to misuse one of his band's songs. I don't think that Larry Graham was given any say in the decision, because he would have had too much sense to allow for such an abomination ever to take place. In my opinion, he was the backbone of that band when they were still together.

Whenever Pilot sang the song "Magic," played their organ and went "lah, lah, lah, lah" along with the rhythm of the song, it was fun to hear or even see them perform over the television and radio airwaves wherever I could find their song. However, whenever I hear all of that in the background of an Ozempic commercial, I find that the people in that advertisement look like a circus freak show as they're all saying "oh, oh, oh." I try to mute the commercial as quickly as I can. Whenever I am on YouTube, I click the "Skip Ads" icon to get rid of it. That "Skip Ads" icon probably gets a substantial amount of activity whenever that same commercials appears on people's computer screen.

Why did our nation ever allow for drug companies to advertise on television and on YouTube here in the land of milk and honey? The people who write and plan these advertisements are dead between the ears. It is disgusting even to think of how much money they get paid to drive television viewers and YouTube watchers up the wall. These idiots should be institutionalized.

Drug companies should be prohibited from spending exorbitant amounts of money on advertising, and they should be required by law to take all that same money and use it to lower the prices of medication here in our nation. It is because of high prices of prescription drugs and medication that people are dying as they are unable to afford these products to address their health issues here in our nation.

I almost decided to publish this same article here of mine on HubPages, but then I considered the possibility that Ozempic might be one of their advertisers. I haven't yet seen any advertisements appear here on the Hive blockchain. Therefore, I feel safe to have published this article here on my Hive-Blog and PEAKD channels.

I long for the day that Ozempic will remove that stupid commercial everywhere from existence. I would not want even to be caught dead in one of those advertisements.

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