At the early age, success was deduced to be founded on The CHARACTER ETHIC under which we have things like Integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, Golden rule .

The major essence of this is to make people understand that there are basic principles of effective living and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.

Then the world evolved it's view of success to PERSONALITY ETHIC which is further divided into two...

  • Human and public relations
  • Positive mental attitude

This ethic is focused more on the outward relationship and appearance before others to get a desired result. Isaac Newton one of the father's of physics once said "for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction" in other words, to get a particular outcome then a specific action is needed to be put in either facially, attitude wise or communication.

This can result in you being manipulative, deceptive, using techniques to get other people to like you, faking interest in hobbies of others to get what we want, using power look and many others that we know. All of these is meant to achieve whatever we want without having to change to become better people but using this trait to get quicker results.

The character ethic became mostly just a mere lip service, basic thrust was quick-fix influence techniques, power strategies, communication skills and positive attitude.

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The image used was a shot from my book where I got the inspiration to write this blog

I hope you were able to learn something from it, thanks for stopping by.

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