"Life at home."

The film, created by Stockholm agency Acne, was inspired by the findings of Ikea's third annual "Life at home" report, which surveyed 12,000 people in 12 major cities across the world about their home lives.

The study found that large proportions of people were anxious about the discrepancy between their expectations of how their home lives should be, and the reality. For example, 42% said they lacked the time to cook everyday, despite agreeing they should try to eat together with their family or friends.

Meanwhile 60% said they used social media to explore food ideas – but the tendency to aim for perfect presentation could sometimes "set impossible standards and make us feel inadequate", said Ikea.

Ikea campaign calls on diners to put the phone down and enjoy life.

Ikea is celebrating the virtues of genuine relaxation in a campaign that imagines what our contemporary obsession with publishing pictures of food on Instagram would look like in pre-revolutionary France.

Read more at http://www.campaignlive.co.uk

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