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Oprah refused to run for the US presidential election of 2020

The television star Oprah Winfrey put an end to speculation and ruled out appearing in the US presidential election. of 2020, according to an interview published on Thursday in the fashion magazine In Style, reviewed EFE.fd351994252344741a31a88e5c2f6dea.jpg

"I've always felt very sure of myself and I knew what I could do and what I could not do. This is not something that interests me. I do not have the DNA for that, "said Oprah when asked about her possible candidacy by the Democratic Party for the Presidency.

The rumors were triggered after the emotional speech that the presenter gave on January 7 at the gala of the Golden Globes, which charged against sexual harassment of women in the context of the wave of complaints in Hollywood against powerful influential figures, such as producer Harvey Weinstein.

However, the words of Winfrey, 63, had resonance beyond the film and his comment was interpreted as a statement of political intentions.

"A new day appears on the horizon," he said in his speech of thanks after receiving the honorific Cecil B. DeMille.

After his words, the actress Meryl Streep said that Oprah had launched "a missile" during the gala. "I want her to present herself to the president (...). I do not think she had any intention. But now he has no choice, "said the interpreter.

In fact, CNN went on to claim that Oprah was "actively analyzing" her candidacy for the Democratic Party; while Stedman Graham, her partner, pointed to the Los Angeles Times that "corresponds to the people" but that "she would certainly do it".

With today's statements, the television star put an end to speculation on this issue, so commented in recent weeks in the US media.

Even US President Donald Trump said weeks ago that he did not believe the star would run as a presidential candidate, but he assured that if he did, he would win the race without problems.

"Yes, I will win Oprah. (Compete against) Oprah would be fun. I know her very well, I went out in one of her programs. He had Donald Trump (as a guest), "Trump told reporters during a meeting with legislators in the White House