Cleansing your aura with Sage

Would you like to cleanse your aura with Sage? In this article i give you an explaination. Do you think you have an aura lifter (an entity that travels with you in your aura) then the best you can do is getting an expert such as: Paranormal Investigators.

Short info about aura lifters.

Aura lifters are often entities that are died here on Earth and who don’t dare or want to go to the light. When you have holes in your aura than there might be an entity in your aura that gets stuck and is going to live by your energy, and is going to interfere with the things that you do. If that is the case then you are able to hear a voice that is going to tell you what he/she wants. I'm not saying that everyone who is psychotic and hears voices has an aura lifter in his or her body, but an aura lifter you can indeed things does a work of art (you have to be sensitive to be able to hear it).

So when can you cleanse your aura with Sage by yourself?

You can cleanse your aura in many ways, 1 of the ways is cleansing your aura with Sage. What Sage does is to eliminate all the negative energy from your aura, and cleanse your aura with Sage is very effective, it removes all negative and unwanted energy effectively from the aura. Your aura cleansing with Sage can be done as many times you want and when you want, it has no harmful consequences and it’s been used for many years.


Cleansing your aura with Sage, how do you do it?

What you need are a feather, abalone shell, white Sage and a box of matches/lighter.


The abalone shell represented the element of water. Sage is a plant and comes from the Earth and so the element represented nature. Then we have fire (matches/lighter) and air where the smoke goes in.
Take the abalone shell and place the Sage in it. Insert the Sage with a match. Place your intention, for example, say: "With this ritual I clean my aura of all energy that is not belong to me". Go through the whole aura, so: front, sides, top, bottom and don't forget the back. If that is difficult you can ask someone or who wants to help to clean your aura with Sage. You can optionally use a spring to the smoke of the Sage to spread good, moreover is also a spring for the element of air.

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