The Energetic Mystery

Alright, energy work people ...I still haven't quite figured this one out.

admire Yuan's glorious belleh while I gather my thoughts

I have a history of breaking jewelry. My whole life. And I don't mean, I snagged a chain on something and oh no it broke, I mean metal pendants snap in half. Anything too close to my throat chakra is doomed. I need a torc.

But it's not just necklaces, it's bracelets - lots of bracelets. I've been wearing copper therapeutically for my painful wrists and hands since I was 16, and magnetic hematite since my mid-20s. I've gone through A LOT of bracelets. And the thing about the bracelets, besides yes, they do deal with legitimate getting banged around more - is that they break in bathrooms. While I'm sitting there pooping and not doing anything with my hands. 😂

I first noticed this when I started wearing mala beads. Supposedly when your string of mala beads breaks, it means you have worked off some karma. Well boy, I've worked off a lot of karma, because pop, pop, pop! I actually haven't worn them in a long time because I got tired of washing (because bathroom floors) and restringing them so often.

At first I thought, is it the feng shui of my bathroom? Because I've had oodles of plumbing problems there as well, including rain - in the bathroom - when a pipe burst two stories up.

I literally used the toilet with an umbrella during this. Nature called.

My bathroom is the NW corner, btw, but nope, it's not specific to my bathroom, or that position on a bagua map, because it once happened in a friend's bathroom (middle west of her house) and the bathroom at my doctor's office (center of the building). It's just bathrooms.

So ...what the fuck? LOL

Now, I'm going to be honest and say that I have PTSD, and the most common place where I dissociate is the bathroom, but I have a very mundane explanation for that: it was the only safe place in my parents' house growing up where I could lock a door and let my guard down for a minute. And it's almost always that - I'm seeing a man about a dog or showering, completely lost in my head, then am jarred back to reality by the sound of beads falling. With my hands doing nothing. I don't know if it's ever happened when I was fully present.

So I'm running energy and shattering things while dissociated? That sounds kinda funny but I've been working a lot with hand chakras of late.

If any of y'all have any ideas that might give me a clue by four, I'd appreciate it, because obviously SOMETHING needs attention and I'm too slow to catch on.

Maggie investigates the strange bathroom energies

Be good, Steemit!

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