The end of the world


Okay so even though I'm not going for the whole world ending on Sept. 23 and /or the rapture ... I'm still gonna be like waking up on Saturday and taking a peek around to see whose still here -- I am all about the fact that the Bible is playing out before our eyes and things are accelerating at amazing speed -- one disaster after another -- but the earth disappearing at this time on a designated date --- no --- I do Not like the media attaching words like "Christians believe the world is ending on Sept 23 "... uh no. I don't think I have one single friend who believes what a certain popular Pastor is saying although the media is lumping us all in this pool that we all believe this to be truth. I believe we are def seeing signs but for the entire earth to be anniliated on the 23rd of September - Nope. I love Numerology and hey I love signs too - it's just that I'm not going for this one.
Stay tuned for more catastrophic events in the world even past September 23.2017

Photo credit - eternal affairs media

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