My struggle as of late

The age old question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" There's a good short answer to this that isn't as flippant as it sounds. When asking life's biggest questions some want some real deep complicated answers and others, like myself, want it simple! On top of all the junk we have been through lately, we regularly have other things added to the heap. a few weeks ago we had the "newish" vehicle we paid for with cash, go down. It was going to cost us an arm and a leg to fix it so it wouldn't leave us stranded at some random date and locale! I tend to take mechanical setbacks in stride but my wife was thrown into a tailspin. She had had enough. She didn't want to hear some platitude or canned answer. She was confiding with someone she trusted and was handed this little gem. "Dont you discipline your kids when they need it?" It's all I could do to console her. If theres a short answer to life's problems, I would want it to be from scriptures and not from someone's imagination or pre-chewed pork doctrine! I was immediately brought to this story. Yeshua's disciples were asking the same questions we ask today...nothing new under the sun, right? Even they had that burning question..WHY? At that moment I was told..."So Yahovah gets the Glory!" Is that enough to satisfy our angst and anxiety during times of trial? For me it was comforting to have that question answered so matter of factly. Something good is going to come out of all the scraping, and wringing, and melting, and shaping. I'm reminded of that song back in the 80's or early 90's that talks about that violin being auctioned off but nobody was bidding. The guy who MADE the violin steps up and plays it and that's all it took..the bidding war started. It was a touch of the masters hand! At the end of my days I'm hoping those around me have heard the music being played through me regardless of how tattered I look! So next time you are pressed and are looking for comfort, maybe remember "It's so Yahovah will get the glory when you come out the other end shining like diamonds!"

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