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Publishing my First Book

With a copy of "Goosebumps" in my hands, I used to lean against the wall on the balcony, spending the whole day reading as a kid. It was then that I wanted to be an author one day. Write a book that is loved by all and is a part of their "Favorite Books" list. I have always carried that dream with me in my heart. 

Now in the age where self-publishing is possible and you can get any book related service done for by paying the concerned party, my dream is quite close by. I have been trying to save as much as I can from Steemit to keep it aside for my book publishing fund. 

That dream could now finally be a reality with your support. It's been 15 years that this dream was lying wrapped neatly in a golden cloth and pushed right under my beating heart. It's time for it to fly away. Fulfilled
