Hey y'all! My name is Jasmine, and I'm new here.


Hey everyone! I just discovered Steemit thanks to the whole Facebook privacy debacle, and I'm excited to learn more about this platform!

A little about me... I'm from Southwest Missouri (US), and I live there with my wonderful husband, dog, cat, and 6 chickens. Our dog is a crazy mix of something - every time we travel with him, people ask, "What kind of dog is he??" My best guess is that he's part Australian Shepherd (or mini Aussie) and part Jack Russell. My husband found him as a puppy while he was in the woods, deer hunting. Hence his name, Ruger (after my husband's firearm of choice).


I rescued my cat, Abby, from the Humane Society back in 2002 while I was in college. She was an adorable kitten!! She's always been kind of a bitch really, but I feel like she's gotten sweeter in her old age.


I feel like my life is super boring, because when I'm not at work, I'm relaxing at home! But I do love fashion (I manage a retail clothing store, so I have more clothes than anyone would ever need), animals, and good music. I enjoy a good rock concert - Nothing More is one of my current favorites, and I'm excited to be able to see them for a third time this summer!


Anyway, I'm happy to join the Steemit community and replace my former Facebook obsession!

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