Logo Explained

A few years ago, in 2021, I downloaded this logo through meditation. And until recently, I never really understood the meaning of the logo. I've adjusted the logo several times, but it never felt right. The logo had to be as it is.

Below I will explain the three aspects.

First there is the Square

The square represents the framework that you, as a soul, have chosen to incarnate into. It symbolizes the experiences and mission you wish to undertake. This is your playground within the matrix.

Throughout your life, you have acquired certain beliefs. This process begins even before you are born; epigenetically, memories are passed down to your DNA from your parents and ancestors. While growing in your mother's womb, you already feel a lot, and once you are here in an unfamiliar world, all sorts of things are projected onto you and expected from you. At that moment, you don't yet know how to communicate clearly. You develop a mechanism that you carry with you for a long time. This experience, along with all your other lives and multi-dimensional aspects, creates the following framework.

And then we have the matrix. There are many forms. The first two here,I explained above; your own simulation in the matrix. Then you have the collective matrix, the 3D, 4D, 5D, etc. world. The first incarnation from the source usually takes place in a matrix, either in a planetary system such as Orion, Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, etc., or directly here on Earth. Upon leaving your body, many of us end up in a matrix loop. Some souls return fully to the original source and reincarnate from there, or others end up in a 'no-man's land' to choose another experience.

My personal experience is that since my first incarnation on Earth, I haven't returned to the source. And recently, I have experienced the 'no-man's land' area, which was outside the matrix and not far from the source. There, I could see all my contracts, agreements, and timelines. From there I could chose a new reality with a complete freewill. Well, I decided to stick to this path.

By raising our frequency, we are able to consciously adjust the matrix on a collective level.


The Circle

The circle represents many things, with you at its center.

The circle may be broken from stuck patterns and it symbolizing the energy field, that you emit and receive with.

Just as you can grow, so can the circle. Think of it as a circle of friendship, love, or your own bubble, determining who you allow in and what you shield yourself from. In this way, the circle symbolizes the connection with yourself and others.

It embodies an endless form of energy, constantly moving in creation and manifestation.


The Triangle

The triangle represents the connection Soul, Body & Mind. We are a soul with a human experience. This experience has different inner voices, our mind. The body is our vessel. In which we live, move with, feel and touch.

By embodying these three connections, Soul, Body & Mind, to the depths of our core, in our heart. Are we able to divest ourselves of these frameworks, change our remembering and embody our individuality. So that we can receive in surrender what the moment brings us.

This is the art of “The Art of Cellular Transformation.”


With the creation of space, there is also closure.
My role as a counselor will disappear, just as you as a client will disappear. New paths may be taken, with new experiences.

In gratitude we take closure, for this part of our journey.

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