WILDFLOWER ... It Belongs To None....... Artwork (watercolour) & Poetry By Neha Bisht.

Water colour on paper / Illustrative Art Style

WILDFLOWER .... It Belongs to None.

Oblivious to his machinations, she looked into his eyes.
His charming smile caught her eye.
Made her heart smile and her soul pine.
The chamomiles and the breeze set the stage.
She believed it was her Prince.
Just the way it was in her dream.

Love she saw in him, or so she thought.
But little did she realize,
It was her own love mirrored in his eyes.
His heart was a charming shiny surface.
With a chaos of borrowed images.
The love he showered was just an illusion.

Love he did not feel, this she did not know.
She lived her lucid dream.
She simply did not see .
Unwittingly she gave him the key to her soul.
Ignorantly he lost it 'coz he valued it no more.

She found the key lying in the field of chamomiles.
She couldn't understand her Chameleon Prince.
Lost & Confused.
Hurt and betrayed.
She Locked her heart and threw the key for none to find.

The storm passed.
The rain paused.
the weight of water lessened.
The drenched chamomiles stood up again.
The petals fluttered with the butterflies.

Tears always danced on the edge of her quiet eyes.
She moved beyond fairy tales.
Beyond illusions of the moon.
Beyond twinkle of the stars.
She knew her Prince was a creature of delusion.

A Wildflower....
She walked in freedom amidst the chamomiles.
Alone with the stars.
Understood her destiny.
And as she closed the door to her surreal illusion,
Fault in the stars she finally set right !





WILDFLOWER .... It belongs to none

Art & Poetry by neha bisht / Illustrative art style

Thank you for your appreciation and support :)
Success to all @nehab / neha bisht

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