LUCID DREAM & THE CHAMELEON PRINCE .... Painting & Poetry ( watercolour on paper) by Neha Bisht


He crossed her path
Like a twist in the tale.
Caught her off guard .
Ruthlessly ensnared.
A quirk of destiny
She couldn't foretell.
She couldn't see it coming.
The potent love spell.
Unwittingly, he tapped on the memory of her childhood dream.
Through fragrance of roses and starry eyes.
She saw her Prince, the light was behind !
She couldn't see.
Couldn't see at all.
The brightness blinded her twinkling eyes.
She wrapped him in the silvery cloak of her dream.
The cloak was not his at all , this she couldn't see.
She couldn't see his cloak was dark, hiding secrets within.
She wanted it so bad for her silvery dream to come true.
She created an illusion and turned him into her dream.
She covered him in the silver dust of her thoughts and desires.
She gave him the golden key to her heart and her fire.
She gave him all but couldn't fathom.
Why her Prince hurt her so !
Why he lied & betrayed.
In her dream it was not so !
The Prince, a passive participant in the saga, silently smiled.
Not realising that all illusions shatter.
He had to do something to be her Shining Prince.
But Well !!
The roses were fragrant.
The stars shone bright.
She loved the illusion she had created.
She loved her Lucid dream.

The Dream....

The Love .....

The Romance ....

The Lucid Dream

The Lucid Dream & The Prince .....

Watercolour on Paper / Style - Illustrative Art / Art by Neha Bisht

Thank you for your support & appreciation.
Success to all , @nehab

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