INNOCENCE .... Portrait of Childhood by Neha Bisht / Oil on Canvas

Children - We were all children once. And I always find myself in the company of children all the time. :)

I was a kindergarten teacher . Today I teach and counsel children of all age groups as a swimming instructor and aqua counsellor(adults too! ) . I have babysitted almost all my younger cousins, nieces & nephews.
I am most happy in the company of children. Exasperated too sometimes :D. But mostly happy. It gives me immense pleasure to see them grow in confidence and blossom.

Children for me are divine. Their divinity lies in their purity and innocence. Their connection to their Unconscious consciousness is very high. Hence they are very intuitive and instinctive. Like animals. Their reactions are very spontaneous. They speak the truth of the Universe.

I want to relate an incident that occurred with me last year, in the summer of 2017. It brought tears to my eyes.

While teaching swimming I make the children play a little game called "Earning your Dream".
Each one tells me what he wants. To make them work positively towards correcting their mistakes and learning, I grant them their dream on being successful.

One day I asked the group of kids in front, "What do you want. The Universe belongs to you. But you have to work to get it ".

Some said, "I want to be a millionaire". Some only wanted a planet full of strawberries and chocolates. Some wanted the pool to turn into a chocolate pool. Some said "I don't know. Anything". There were still others who wanted to own the entire hotel !! ! :D :D

The last one was a little girl of 4 years, Miraya.
Miraya is a very bubbly , cheerful, determined, fearless and focused little girl.
She had been in a car accident and was recovering from her accident trauma. She was a little scared , yet was bravely battling to overcome fear.

When Miraya's turn came, she looked straight into my eyes and said , "I want you to be happy , Ma'am".
I thought I misheard . So I asked again. Again she said , "I want you to be happy, Ma'am".
I was stunned . I choked with tears. I had been going through an emotionally difficult time.
Why did she say that ? How did she see it ?
Only one thought came to my mind, - "God & Universe speak through children and children see what no one sees ! "

She is back with me again, cheerful and confident, learning her skills.
Miraya & Me 2017

There is one thing I want to say, - Children are not extensions of their parents. They are individuals. They must nurtured with due respect to their individuality. A better human society is a byproduct of better and more balanced people. And it begins with the children. Give them a better and holistic environment to smile and grow up in . Cultivate compassionate humane values. Not regressive social mores. Listen to your children.

My oil colour compositions, INNOCENCE portrays the purity of a child.

INNOCENCE ....   Talking to Angels
Oil on Canvas

The little princess looked out of the window.
Saw two sparrows resting outside the window.
She ordered them to fly away with a secret prayer on their wings.
And sure they did…
Her Prayers came true ... ! 😊

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Success to all. 🍷🍷

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