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Mission accomplished, My 31 drawings for the "Inktober" Challenge


Greetings dear friends, I am very happy to have met the challenge Inktober 2018. It is the first time I participate and be fascinated by the drawings I could make throughout these 31 days, using and improving techniques in which it was not very good .. I still have a lot to learn but the change has undoubtedly been noticed. This post is mainly to thank all the people and communities that supported me throughout these days, @elegance, @ArtZone, @Curie, @veryspider, @c-squared, @celfmagazine, @art-venture, @ocd. Thank you..!!

You can not imagine how complicated it was for me to draw a picture per day, because it's not just drawing it and it's creating an idea, it's sketching, it's going to be clean and starting to ink, all my drawings were created on cardboard and with a only ink pen, that meant that I had to juggle to get different thicknesses n the lines.

Without more anything to say here I leave a short summary of all my work over these 31 days:

Day 1 Poisonous

For this day make a small bottle with a poisonous liquid, so much so that a smoke comes out that you will not want to smell.

Day 2 Tranquil

It is a landscape divided by night and day, a calm sea that reflects peace, this fact combining lines and pointillism

Day 3 Roasted

It is a nocturnal atmosphere where the protagonist of the sketch is the bonfire in which two malbows are included roasting

Day 4 Spell

For this challenge I drew a witch since they are the ones that make the so popular spells, here was the first time I added a graphic to a drawing, this to give it a different touch.

Day 5 Chicken

I can not deny that it was quite rare to create a tattoo sketch for this challenge, (it could be strange that someone wants to tattoo a chicken) but if this was the case I wanted something really fantastic and that was what I wanted to capture, and that is why I tried to put a lot of details as usual in my previous drawings, placing ribbons and flowers to enhance the design as such.

Day 6 Drooling

This is my favorite in all the Inktober. Is there something more sloppy than a snail? Well, maybe yes, but this was the first thing I imagined. And here it is, a beautiful snail that is on a brush in the shape of a branch, with some branches and flowers, It is made mostly by pointillism, a technique that I love.

Day 7 Exhausted

For him, he made a simple drawing that speaks for itself. The best of everything without doubt in the beautiful hair

Day 8 Star

Some of you know that I am a Dragon Ball fan, and how do I not think about the dragon spheres for this challenge? and I decided to make part of Frieza's silhouette one of my favorite villains of the animated series, along with a four-star dragonball and some additional details such as the leaves. I LOVE

Day 9 Precious

It is something precious to me but I do not know if for other people, since I am a girl I have felt an immense love for animals, for me they are the most beautiful thing on the planet .. and I wanted to make a beautiful little bird holding a flower, it is made mostly with pointillism.

Day 10 Flowing

Is there anything more fluid than sea water? Maybe yes, but the important thing is that this is a perfect drawing to practice flowing lines, and thus improve the "trembling lines" in a drawing. In a drawing with many lines in different directions that try to simulate the movement of the waves of the sea.

Day 11 Cruel

I want to show you a drawing that is not made in ink, it is one of my old drawings made with different types of pencils (for that reason I do not have the step by step), it is about animal abuse, specifically the damage that is constantly done to the Rhinos to get their valuable horns, people who are dedicated to this can not imagine the great damage they do to these beautiful animals that are slowly ceasing to exist, I feel that this drawing has a great message and has been one of the most emblematic and beautiful that I have done, I hope you like it and understand the message.

Day 12 Whale

I made a whale inside a circle, I wanted to play with the wavy shapes so that it looks good inside the circle. As usual, use the technique of pointillism again in both the whale and the waves and a beautiful dark sky where the stars stand out.

Day 13 Guarded

I was completely inspired by the phrase "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" Proverbs 4:23. With this drawing I did not want to refer exactly to "love or the heart that pumps blood constantly" but to what we truly are as people, to take care of our essence, our personality, "our true being". Take care of toxic things such as lies, hatred, resentment, everything bad that surrounds us and that throughout our lives could be changing our beliefs and actions that reflect who we really are. It is a drawing with feminine details such as the flowers and the bow, without a doubt it is a sketch that any girl could wear.

Day 14 Clock

I made a beautiful pocket watch, specifically for a girl (I feel a deep love for flowers in the sketches, they look super pretty) with just one Beautiful rose that goes perfect with the design.

Day 15 Weak

A theme that can be interpreted in many ways and mine has gone by the following: I wanted to make a baby, weak, newborn, with his mother who will protect and will strong throughout his life. I was researching about the tattoos that most mothers perform and the result was "babies" or everything related to them, portraits, prints, names, I loved making this drawing, a charming drawing for which I used a 6B pencil, a Diffuser and ink pen of course.

Day 16 Angular

I made an hourglass, (I must confess that I wanted to draw one for a very long time). And I loved the final result, it is a feminine design as usual, with small, beautiful and complicated roses that adorn it.

Day 17 Swollen

For this challenge make a hot air balloon with the phrase "I's not about the destination, It's about journey" A phrase that goes perfectly with the balloon, is also adorned with some clouds

Day 18 Swollen

I did not want to make a simple bottle, to make it different I draw a seascape inside it, with an octopus under the sea and above a boat with some clouds. Around the bottle put the phrase "I'm thirtsy" and to make the most feminine sketch could not miss a beautiful flower.

Day 19 Scorched

I had several ideas in mind but I ended up drawing the most obvious, a Candle, I wanted to make it freshly turned off and I think I achieved it, I really liked the effect it has. It is adorned with a branch and some beautiful fireflies.

Day 20 Breakable

Surely this drawing will bring you memories, yes, it is the same as "Beauty and the Beast" It is breakable both the flower with the bottle that contains it. Beautiful overall set, with beautiful petals falling one with a phrase that says "Until the last petal falls".

Day 21 Drein

For this challenge make a drawing that reflects the situation of current Venezuela, this drawing reflects what we really feel all Venezuelans for our country, which is going through a queue.

Day 22 Expensive

For this day I wanted to make a beautiful heart-shaped diamond with some details that I must confess that they were very complicated, because you had to get a perfect symmetry and it was very complicated for me, but you can see pretty good, and that's what Inktober is about to perfect techniques for which we are not very good.

Day 23 Muddy

Draw a creature of the swamp of course is female, with enough similarities to a fish, around it to muddy landscape where she is sitting and a rock wall, it would seem that posing is quite darling.

Day 24 Chop

Do something quite significant, which is understood by just seeing it, it is a very sad and real scene, which often happens on the planet, it is about the indiscriminate felling of trees to create buildings, and also included a child drawing the silhouette of a tree on the ground, this drawing along with the day 21 "drein" have been the ones that best carried the message, both very deep and with a great meaning not only for me but for the population.

Day 25 Prickly

I have seen on some occasions that the Yin and the Yang are drawn with Chinese fish (I think that's what they are called, I really do not know the name), but they are beautiful and with many colors, and there came out the idea to create this drawing, it was done in this way to meet the challenge because it is the skeleton of two fish.

Day 26 Stretch

Make a girl stretching her arms after sleeping, with a simple silhouette with beautiful hair as usual.

Day 27 Thunder

For which make a simple sketch, (I have to confess that I made many sketches for this challenge and nothing came out did not hit what I really wanted, I was about to do nothing, but That meant not meeting the challenge, so I put my brakes on and went ahead and showed them something simpler than that.

Day 28 Gift

As the name implies, make a traditional gift, the typical square gift and a big bow, you could say it is Christmas, it is appropriate for the dates we are.

Day 29 Double

I made a drawing which I call "Double Exposure" it is a silhouette of a polar bear and inside it there are two wolves in a frozen landscape with great snow mountains and a starry sky.

Day 30 Jolt

it is a child who left his Kite on the high-voltage cables, to reach his kite he climbed on the roof of the house and the very innocent caught the high-voltage cables and was shaken with electricity (I hope nothing has happened to him).

Day 31 Slice

This sketch was about a real idea, where people got sick by eating too much pizza (this was because of a contest) and from there came the idea for this drawing.

Thank you for visiting my blog, if you liked let me know what was your favorite drawing, thank you very much for all the support, blessings for all

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