Sign Language to Speech Interpreter for the Hearing and Speech Impaired people.

(currently working on this project)
Sign language is a natural way for communication between speech impaired people and non-disabled, but often they find difficulty in communicating with normal people as we don’t understand their sign language. Therefore, there always exists a language barrier. To minimize this barrier, we propose a device which can convert their hand gestures into voice which a normal person can understand. This device consists of a Wireless Glove, consisting of flex sensors and accelerometer. These sensors sense the movement of hands and fingers. This system consists of a speech synthesizer circuit which converts these movements of hand into real time speech output and a display will give the text for the corresponding gesture. The text and voice output being in English. So, this device provides efficient way of communication for both deaf-dumb and normal people.

(would like to know more on how to improve the device)

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