Election 2022!

Greetings to all you here at Ecency, once again I am here today to share my impressions and experiences as a first time voter and what I have felt during the elections.



As you all know Philippines is in the democracy form of government. Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Each voter is entitled to one vote each for the duration of the election. The voter may split his/her ticket. The candidate with the most votes wins the position; there is no run - off election, and the president and vice president may come in different parties. The most common voting method uses paper ballots on which voters mark their preference. This may involve marking their support for a candidate or party listed on the ballot, or a write - in, where they write out the name of their preferred candidate if it is not listed.

The election are held at schools or at the Barangay Hall. Each Barangay held their votings exclusively for the town people only, to control the portions of voters coming to the place and to ensure that every voters could vote on this special day. As a first timer voting, my parents advice me to vote 2 hours before the deadline. Because there are fewer people voting. It's a great advice because I don't have to trouble myself to fall in line and wait for several hours. Plus I could avoid getting in contact with the other voters. Because we still have this pandemic that could kill us one by one. Then as I sat down and wait for my turn to vote, an old man called me and said, " Seems like you're new to this kind of system. do you have your precinct number yet?". Then I replied "not yet Sir and I don't know where to get it". Then the poll watchers noticed me and they kindly assist me. I was nervous and just following what the person infront of me does. As I put my paper ballot in to the machine and get my receipt I started reviewing if there is no errors while I was voting and then left. As I walk home I realized that I didn't get the chance to vote for my partylist that was on the back of the paper ballot. Well I couldn't help it because it was just my first time voting, I would do better next time.

Voting is easy but electing the right person for the position is hard. Because we can't identify they're motives whether it's a good intention or bad. Our future depends on us, It is our decision if we will use it in the wrong way or not. One wrong move and this could lead to our country's down fall.

Well that's all for today. I hope that you all enjoy what I just shared today. And look forward for more happenings that I am about to share to you next time. Thank You and Good Bye!

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