Principle of great man from Iskandariyah

At first, Shekh Ibn Atha'illah did not like the science of sufiism. Allah gave him guidance, taufiq and maunah until finally he was great in the shari'a and in fact. He is known as the third figure in the Syadziliah affair after the founder Abu Al-Hasan Asy-Syadzili and his student Abu Al-Abbas Al-Mursi. And Ibn Atha'illah is the first to gather the teachings, messages, prayers and biographies of both, so that the wealth of the Syadziliyah ties grows. The Book of Al-Hikam is the main work of Ibn Atha'illah, which is very popular in the Islamic world that is level with Ihya Ulumiddinnya Al-Ghazali. He is the professor of spiritualism that lightens the lamps to be a light for each of the lines that illustrates all the lessons in every problem.

The book of Al-Hikam is not just a philosophical philosophy that emphasizes theology but is balanced with the elements of worship and suluk, meaning that between shari'ah, tarikat and fact is taken in a methodical way. The targets are not recommended to the students to leave the world, not to ignore the application of shari'ah, zuhud does not mean to shun the world because essentially zuhud is to empty the heart other than God, there is no barrier to the salik to become a millionaire rich, as long as his heart is not dependent on his possessions, endeavoring to respond to what is threatening the life of the ummah, the tasawuf is the practice of souls in worship and place themselves in accordance with the provisions of Allah, and the latter is ma'rifat is one of the purposes of tasawuf which can be obtained by two roads; God, granting it without effort and He chooses it by itself those who will be given the gift; and maib, ie ma'rifat will be obtained through one's hard work, through ar-riyadhah/exerxise and various circumcision which the salikin can do.

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