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Week 09 - Response: Extreme Poverty in America


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question: Do you believe that there are basic necessities that all humans should have access to no matter what as a human right? If so what are they and why? (by @dilucadomain)

response: I do believe that there are basic necessities that all humans should have access to, just like they have basic rights that are given - no exceptions. Every person on this planet deserves to be comfortable - that includes things like shelter, food, clean water, proper clothes, and medical treatment. There are other things, but those are some pretty important ones that are not currently guaranteed in this country. This is the bare minimum of comfortable living, and if anyone doesn't have a reliable source from any of those things, they cannot live and face the reality of dying. It is the governments job to protect its constituents, people starving or freezing to death are not protected. The government is more than capable to fulfill the basic needs of all people and it is the job of the society to hold the government accountable. It is the responsibility of the society to protect each other, and if we are able to provide prisoners the bare minimums of these necessary categories, we can ensure that all our citizens are given the proper necessities to ensure that they can live. Universal basic income is a great way to help ensure that people are provided for and protected, giving them the ability to meet their basic requirements to live in order to then have a job to afford greater needs and wants. Also, universal housing, which is possible, can eliminate homelessness and put people into safe, secure houses. These two basic programs can help fulfill these basic necessities that will ensure the safety and comfort of all people.
