Discussion Post: Wall Street (1987)

Ryan Crimmins
EEE 2083
December 7, 2022

In this week's discussion post, we watched the film Wall Street (1987). The film tells a story about Bud Fox who is a stockbroker living in New York trying to find his way on top. He looked up to a corporate raider by the name of Gordon Gekko, that was looked up to by many in the stock industry. He was known for his success and his phrase, "Greed is good" that led him to his success. Bud Fox contacts Gordon Gekko in hope of some help which leads to an interview, then ends up as his client. With the deal with Gordon Gekko, he gave Bud Fox some information on stocks with other companies and businesses. After doing good in the stocks Gekko allows Bud to get more involved in buying and selling the stocks he thought was going to lead them to success. After some success, Bud realizes he wants to buy and expand Bluestar Airlines. Then Bud Fox finds out that Gordon Gekko wants to buy out Bluestar Airline, so then Bud goes to Wildman to work together against Gordon Gekko not to buy out the company. Later on both Bud Fox and Wildman get in trouble with illegal activity and gets arrested.

This film doesnt really have an entrepreneurial concept because there is no product or service being invented.The last couple of classes we have been talking about ethics and profits within a business Bud and Gekko are trying to create and find value that will give them the most profit. I thought this film was very interesting, it reminded me of the film "Other People's Money" that we watched earlier in the semester. Both films were very similar, they both consisted of greed and going behind other peoples back for greater opportunity and success. This film can also be considered entrepreneurial because it showed the brokers did whatever they could to get to the top. They took many risks to get what they wanted but did not get the big results they were looking for in the stock industry.

Society plays a huge role in the stock market, without society there would be nobody to invest or buy stocks. Society helps invest so brokers can make more money and be successful. In this instance the society helped Bud Fox and Gordon Gekko until they couldn't anymore, so society played a role in their success. Entrepreneurship and society go hand in hand when it comes to business, especially in the stock industry. They both are very important and plays a huge role in a business or company's success.

Overall, Wall Street was a great movie and it did a great job of illustrating what we have been talking about in class which is the importance of ethics in a business or in entrepreneurship in general. Ethics is important in a business and entrepreneurship because The film also shows the "unseen" side of entrepreneurship that people don't see while also showing the unethical side which is what entrepreneurship is about.


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