Discussion Post: The Fountainhead

Ryan Crimmins
Professor Bylund
EEE 2083
November 2, 2022

In this week's discussion post, I watched the film, The Fountainhead. The film is about an architect, Howard Roark who has an innovation of designing modern buildings. He faced many challenges with society because Roark’s work was unlike any others so he didn’t allow others to persuade him with other designs. He later got an offer for a new building project from Gail Wynand and worked himself up to build the Wynand Building. 
I thought this film was very interesting and thought it did a good job with portraying the aspect of entrepreneurship. What Roark is doing is very much entrepreneurial because he is one who is designing buildings himself, so he is considered an entrepreneur. His designs were different from any other architect out there, he had his own style that made him unique in his ways. It took awhile for people to see his value and understand his creativity but he did a great job with not changing his art because of others. 
Roark’s goal was to find people who wanted him to design their buildings with his modern style, but the architectural establishment wanted to add something different into his modern designs. Roark’s career was on the line, he had a chance with incorporating new modern architecture with big businesses. His success depended on how many big businesses would choose him as his architect.
This film, The Fountainhead is entrepreneurial because Roark had an innovation of designing buildings. His creativity led to big businesses, but the businesses wanted a more traditional style so he gave it to them. He changed his style to save and turn his business around and became even more successful. It led him to a big design project from Gail Wynand which was designing the greatest structure of all time, the Wynand Building. This really shows the success of Roark’s career with how it started and how it ended with him working with big businesses as an architect. 


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