Discussion Post: Dallas Buyers Club

Ryan Crimmins
Professor Bylund
EEE 2083
October 26, 2022

After watching “Dallas Buyers Club” I realized that this film has to do a lot with what we talked about in class the other day, which was regulation. Regulation is the whole other side of entrepreneurship that you don't always see or hear about. This film is based on a true story and about a cowboy named Ron Woodroof who finds out he is diagnosed with HIV. Being human like he was, he did lots of research on HIV and tried to do everything he could to find a cure. He eventually found a way to get medicine to help with the sickness, which was The Dallas Buyers Club. This was Ron’s business that he created to own his own pharmaceutical practice. This is entrepreneurship because he saw an innovation and need in the market to help people that are diagnosed with HIV. 
Society is an important aspect in entrepreneurship, especially when it comes to health and regulations. In this film society was able to establish a business that was in dire need because there were issues with the FDA and hospitals not giving the correct treatment to cure the sickness. This is where Ron’s business came in handy, he had the treatment and medicine to cure HIV and AIDS that hospitals couldn’t. So with this being said, the demand was very high and a lot of individuals came to Ron for treatment which led Ron and his business to be successful. I would consider Ron a successful entrepreneur because he saw a problem in the market and solved it by creating his own practice even with all the risks and regulations it took. 
I thought this film was very good and interesting. It did a good job with showing this side of entrepreneurship you don't always see. Ron was just an average individual who was a bull riding electrician that soon became an entrepreneur because he saw any opportunity and took it. He also was diagnosed with HIV, so it made him want to find treatment even more because he was going through the same thing like many others. He wanted to make a difference for people who were struggling too and he knew how it felt so he innovated the business, “Dallas Buyers Club” his private practice. 


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