Discussion Paper: The New Machine

Ryan Crimmins
Professor Bylund
November 9, 2022
EEE 2083

The discussion paper for this week, I watched the documentary “The New Machine” that shows the true struggles of entrepreneurs while also focusing on entrepreneurship in history. This episode on the history channel goes with what we have been talking about in class, which is what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how entrepreneurship has changed the economy. The episode, “The New Machine” highlights how the government is influenced on entrepreneurship by giving examples of how entrepreneurs have influenced history like Henry Ford who impacted the economy.Henry Ford is well-known for being an entrepreneur that created the first automobile and the government had a huge impact. Henry’s idea was to make cheap and affordable vehicles that were ordinary. This was entrepreneurial because he increased production in the automobile industry and saw a market for automobiles. 
The relationship between entrepreneurship and society was very beneficial when Henry Ford innovated the automobile. The interaction between entrepreneurship and society can be seen throughout the documentary episode. The society helped Ford chase his dream with finding a market in the industry for not just the wealthy but for the poorer. 
This documentary was interesting because we got to see how the government has influenced entrepreneurship in history while also seeing what it takes to be an entrepreneur by providing real examples like Henry Ford. Henry Ford is considered entrepreneurial because he innovated a problem which was expensive automobiles so he innovated cheap affordable cars. This was very much needed in the market and created an increase in production because there was a need for automobiles during the time period. Ford was able to provide for society, without Ford and his work there would be no transportation. So Henry Ford is definitely considered an entrepreneur because he innovated a problem and made it a success. 


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