Discussion Paper: Poverty, Inc

Ryan Crimmins
Professor Bylund
EEE 2083
November 16, 2022
The documentary Poverty, Inc talks about how poverty is affected all around the world. The documentary uses real life experiences of people going through poverty, this could be considered the “unseen” that nobody really sees. Poverty is not talked about or seen much, this documentary does a good job of explaining why poverty happens. The documentary interviewed hundreds of people all around the world to get their input of their experience of poverty and how they lived. With interviewing all the different people and their stories, you got to see how people live and adapt to poverty in their daily lives. Poverty is not talked about much. Only the words “poor” and “rich” are used as a stereotype of identifying someone depending on how much money they have. The documentary also uses examples of poverty in Haiti and other countries that handle poverty different than the United States does.
In this documentary, the relationship between entrepreneurship and society is huge. Entrepreneurship saved society dealing with poverty. Entrepreneurs gave others opportunities to be innovative to help their country and community. The only way to get rid of poverty is to find a way to innovate and work for an industry. A way to improve poverty is to open up businesses that would hire them to work.
Something that I learned after watching this documentary was that when charitable solutions are offered to third world countries it actually hurts them instead of helping them. So with that being said there are not many solutions to poverty since charitable solutions aren’t offered they can’t help much. Honestly its really sad that poverty can’t be fixed with charity help because I know other charities do a lot for other people in need. This hurts society because there could be a lot of money to donate, but it actually hurts them when society is trying to support them. This documentary did a good job of explaining the “unseen” and how poverty is seen all across the world differently.
Poverty is a very sad topic for many. It is sad that a lot of people in our country have to go through. There are not many solutions to save and help people who are in poverty unless they start small businesses for them to work at and allow them to have a little bit of money.

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