Discussion Paper: They Say It Can't Be Done

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Trevon Jones
Professor Byland
11 October 2022
Discussion Paper: They Say It Can't Be Done
They Say It Can't Be Done is a film about how innovation can help solve the problem of society. I want to take this film and see what entrepreneurial aspects are throughout this film. Also, I want to find interactions between entrepreneurs and society throughout the film to see why it is interesting.
The film starts with a few directors and presidents from four different companies in different areas coming together for this film to find a way to innovate their industry. The idea was to make a meat processing plant that doesn't need to kill and contains one certain animal. Another director wanted to turn some diseases that have treatments into cures and another director is also looking for ways to get carbon back out of the environment. This aspect of the film is what an entrepreneur's mindset would be when innovating their industry for the better of the company or production of a product. I find this interesting because it shows that even though a process works in a company doesn't mean it can be improved for the better. Or like the director who deals with carbon wants to revert his industry to a time when more carbon wasn't in the air. The film address regulations all companies have to follow. Susan Dudley says these regulations are laws that we all have to live by and they can be equipment or performance-based. These regulations don't always go to plan at times because in a perfect world everything is being run with precision but we don't live in a perfect world where everything falls into place. This aspect of the film just gives us insight into what we as entrepreneurs will have to go through. There will still be rules to follow when starting a company. Most people when they are on the road to becoming an entrepreneur believe they don't have to answer to anyone because they are the boss and they run their company. In reality, they still have regulations to follow and people to answer to. I find this interesting because before I started entrepreneurship I thought it was a way for me not to have to answer to anyone and make my own rules but I learned that isn't necessarily the case. The film briefly goes over how destructive innovation makes older innovation obsolete and gives a quick example of uber. I find this interesting to think about because even though uber went against regulations it was such a hit it caused the regulation to change because of society's response to the app and its services. Society caused regulations to change in the entrepreneur's favor this is a good example of a relationship an entrepreneur and society can have.
They Say It Can't Be Done definitely an entrepreneurial film Because of the insight it gives into innovation. Also, it shows the entrepreneurial aspect throughout the film and the good relationship between society. It's an informative documentary that explains how innovation can solve a lot of the world's problems.

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