The New Machine Discussion Paper

Mason Bailey
November 9, 2022
Discussion Paper: The new Machine
describe this aspect in the movie (what happens, with whom, why is it entrepreneurship/entrepreneurial)
This episode of The Men who Built America talks about how Henry Ford was innovative and created the Model T for gas powered cars. Before Ford, automobiles were only accessed by the higher class. After president McKinley was assassinated, President Roosvelt stepped up. While in office, he passed many business regulations that would take part in Ford's failure till success. Ford had designs denied, designs that have failed, and ideas turned down. Eventually his idea succeeded and his production was maximized by him using the assembly line. While producing his Model T, his main focus was for his car to be affordable to not just the higher class, but for all people. If Ford wasn’t innovative with his design for the Model T, his car might not have been as successful as it was and is now.
discuss why it is interesting
This episode is interesting because it shows how business regulations can affect Businesses and how hard it was to actually create something back then. Ford had to go through so much to finally become successful with his creation. It is a lot easier to be able to create something now because of what our society as a whole has gone through.
elaborate on the interaction/relationship between entrepreneurship and society from the perspective of the movie how does this aspect of entrepreneurship affect society? How does society affect/stifle/support this aspect of entrepreneurship? What is the interaction between this aspect of entrepreneurship and society like?
The interaction between entrepreneurship and society can be seen throughout the episode. If it weren't for the men that stepped up to create and invent what we use in our current era, we probably wouldn’t have a highly evolved society. If Henry Ford didn’t step up to create an affordable car for society, then maybe we wouldn't have had a more affordable way to purchase cars.
Society needed what ford provided for them. Ford provided not only cars but jobs for people to make a living. He hired people for his assembly line which in return made everyone more profitable. People had jobs and Ford was making more cars to sell to make more profit.
The interaction between society and entrepreneurship can also be brought back to Henry Ford being able to provide for society with both jobs and affordable cars. If Ford didn’t step up then workers wouldn’t have been able to work and people wouldn’t have been able to buy affordable transportation. Every worker that worked for Ford was a direct interaction with society and entrepreneurship because Ford used the assembly line to create his car, which can be represented as entrepreneurial. Every time someone bought a car was a direct interaction between society and entrepreneurship as well because everytime someone bought a car, Fords’ business grew even bigger so he could sell more cars.

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