The Fountainhead Discussion paper

Mason Bailey
The FountainHead

  • 1 Describe this aspect in the movie (what happens, with whom, why is it entrepreneurship/entrepreneurial)
    In the movie "The Fountainhead" a man named Howard Roark is an architect who is hated for being an outside thinker when it comes to buildings. He didn't want to follow the book in architecture and wanted to create his own ideas. The school he studied at decided that he wasn't a good fit for them anymore so they expelled him. After this, he decided to move to New York and work with another creative architect named Henry Cameron where the both of them made great architectural designs. Camerons reputation wasn't the best amongst other people and architectures but Roark didn't care. During the same time of Roark and Cameron partnering up, his friend from school, Peter Keating, was hired by Guy Francon, the man who owned a very high end architecture firm. While Cameron and Roark worked hard with designing just to make ends meet, Francon and Keating smooth talked people and were able to make hundreds upon thousands of dollars. The both of them grew so much that Keating started feeling uneasy about the whole thing, but was so tied up in his money and accessories that it overruled his uneasy feeling.
    Eventually, Cameron retired which meant Roark had to do something. He decided to try out his own company which soon later didn't work. He wouldn't kiss up to any customers and would demand that they use his designs and only his. After his failed company, he started working at a granite quarry which was owned by none other than Guy Francon. Francons' daughter, Dominique, and Roark find each other attractive and end up hitting it off. After a while, Roark leaves the quarry to go back to New York to design another building. Dominique followed and found out that Roark was an architect. As a lover of his work, she was also someone who wanted it to be destroyed purely for business reasons. At the same time she wanted to destroy his work, a man named Ellsworth Toohey, who was a writer, also wanted to destroy Roark's Reputation. Toohey decided to convince a man to hire Roark to create a building for him and then later sue Roark after he saw the end design. Unfortunately for Roark, this plan ended up working. Roark was taken to court where all of the people mentioned in this paper were testifying against him (except Henry Cameron).
    After some time goes by after the trial, Roark and Keating Ended up teaming together and making a building together, but only under two conditions; They follow Roark's rules and that he stays anonymous which they both agreed upon. Roark ended up finding out that Keating messed with his design which made Roark mad. He ended up burning the building down. This caused another flame in Roark's reputation and everyone was fuming at him. He was eventually put up for trial again but this time, He proved his point to the jury and was proven not guilty. Him and Dominique got back together in the end and he ended up making one last building with his previous co worker (Gail Wynand).
    I believe that this is entrepreneurial because Roark never gave up on his dream to be an architect. He always pulled through the challenges that were put in from of him. Roark always showed that he could be an architect and ended up proving it to the people.
  • 2 discuss why it is interesting
    This whole movie interesting because there was so much that he had been through and had to overcome to achieve his dream. Roark was kicked out of school, started his own company which failed, worked in a granite quarry, had multiple failed partnerships, and so much more. For going through so much I am impressed that he ended up achieving his goal.
  • 3 elaborate on the interaction/relationship between entrepreneurship and society from the perspective of the movie/podcast how does this aspect of entrepreneurship affect society? How does society affect/stifle/support this aspect of entrepreneurship? What is the interaction between this aspect of entrepreneurship and society like?
    Roark's end goal was to show that anyone can truly be successful and creative but only if they put their mind to it. He proved that nothing bad enough can happen to where you want be able to do it just because he did it. The only way to achieve your dream is if you make it work.
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