Wall Street, It pays to stay Persistent.

When looking at the characteristics of entrepreneurs, there are several important key aspects that go into making a good innovator. Not only do these characteristic make a good entrepreneur, but they can make a better person in general. After watching the movie Wall Street, the plot of the movies shows one of the most important characteristics of being an entrepreneur. This characteristic is that of having persistence. What does persistence mean? this is the ability to continue to move forward and keep climbing even after you fall, even if it is more than once. In the movie, you are able to see how Bud Fox continues to be persistent. He is able to do this even after his own father told him he is wasting his time. His father told him instead of trying to make it on wall street, he should have spent his time else where, like becoming a doctor. Fortunately for Bud, he decided not to listen to his dad and continued his work on wall street. The aspect of persistence came up in the movie when it was mentioned by Mr. Gekko, the millionaire business man, when Bud attempted to meet him for over fifty days straight. With his persistency, he was able to finally be noticed by Mr. Gekko. Without these efforts, Mr. Gekko would have moat likely wrote him off with the countless other people who only try to contact him a few times. This is why being persistent is so interesting when it comes to entrepreneurship. Over the time line of the movie, you are able to see a man who is at one point borrowing money from his dad and barley making it on his own, turn around and hand his dad five grand. This is all due to him being persistent. You may be asking," how does this aspect of entrepreneurship affect society?" The truth of the matter is, without persistency, there would not be any entrepreneurs. A over whelming percent of entrepreneurs have had to over come several obstacles in their life times. Often times, failures can be the very thing that sheds light onto your future success. Many people say there is more to learn from failures than there is from success. When you look at some of the notable names in todays society, many of them failed before they succeed. This is what makes them so successful. They have the ability to take adversity and turn it into fuel. For example, Steve Jobs was fired from the very company he helped make. This is a prime example of no matter what happens, if you stay persistent you will be able to overcome all obstacles. One of the greatest athlete to ever participate in a sport failed at first. Without this persons persistency, society would have never gotten to see the Michael Jordan we all know today. These examples show the importance of being persistent. Rather you will be an entrepreneur one day or not, the characteristic of being persistent will help you become what you want to be.


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