The Men Who Built America, The Model T.

When looking at inventions and innovations that have had the largest impacts on man kind, there are several options that may come to mind. These options may be things such as, cellphones, new farming practices, healthcare, or even housing. Fortunately for all of us, these innovations where brought to life by some very smart and determined people. One of the most impactful inventions to date is that of Henry Ford and the Model T. This invention and his genius endeavors would create a chain of events that could never have been imagined. That is why today I will be talking about Henry Ford and his development of the Model T, and how it has created ripple affects that are still felt today. Although this episode of the season highlights the factors that lead to the mass production of the Model T and the innovations of the assembly line, it does not necessary cover the ripple affects that this had. That is why this discussion will cover more of questions two and three of the syllabus. To touch on question one for a brief moment, The ripple effects of the Henry Ford is shown throughout the process of building this invention. He was able to create a car that would now produce so many things in the future that are seen and unseen. Some may ask what is so interesting about the concept of Ripple effects? Ripple effects in entrepreneurship is interesting for several reasons. It is a combinations of the seen and unseen that happens from a single action. We have discussed this topic several times in class. There is always a ripple cause from almost every action imaginable. Because henry ford made the model T, there was now a new way of building products quicker due to the assembly line. That assembly line would further down the line turn into more automated. In todays world, thousands of supply chains are completely automated. This is the results from ripple effects. When Henry Ford first made the Model T, he could not see what would come from his innovation, but his actions set the process in motion. How does henry fords ripple effects affect society? Everything you see around you today was at some point involved with a motor vehicle. That could be a car, truck, semi, or even a train. All these things branch for henry fords innovations. That is a direct ripple effect. Society is able to have the things we have today do to the unseen results of his innovations. Due to him mass producing vehicles, companies like amazon are able to deliver products in a cheap and efficient way. Although there are several other ripples that go into how amazon operates, all steps would not be possible with motorized vehicles. Henry ford has left the largest impact on society through ripple effects, and without these ripple affects, everything around us would be completely different. This is why it is important for entrepreneurers to continue to innovate. There is know way of telling what the future could hold as a result of someones innovations, but it is certain that a ripple will be caused. Therefore, allowing for new ways of changing and innovating for society.


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