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The receptivity of learning, the greatest task of the prestigious academic field.



It is important to emphasize that the phenomenon of learning is the fundamental tool for education, which is why it is constantly highlighted as the academic area has a strong and permanent interest in knowing the styles and ways of learning that people implement through a certain process of teaching.

The advances in recent years in terms of technology, has made the field of education accelerate its pace in terms of the development of new and better techniques that allow students to extract the best of it in the most natural way possible, all We learn something new every day in our daily life but in the educational field the learning objective is motivated to the knowledge domain with deeper, that is to say, more technical purposes since education must create the fundamental bases to support and keep afloat scientific developments that arise every day, this makes the academic area's task one of the most important in the chain of obtaining both knowledge and its permanence in space time since this will depend on future generations.

Integrality of strategies:


The integrality of educational strategies has become the most versatile tools to be able to give efficient and effective answers to the demanding demands of our modernized society, therefore it is very important to emphasize that ideal learning is achieved when it is possible to balance our body and In this way we can take into account some principles of the function of our brain, because we have a physiological, psychic and neurological structure already defined, taking into account of course our environment, since it provides us with important necessary data In order to consolidate any educational strategy, it is on this basis that the structure for obtaining learning must be based in order to accelerate said process.

Social prestige:


Education has allowed us to give prestige to our society by improving both its style and quality of life, therefore, this has helped people to have greater interest in their education, this motivation is vital for education since by means of it it has managed to obtain the fulfillment of its objectives, to the end it is a benefit in collective, since the great societies as it is known advance thanks to their education.

Optimal learning; body-mind-environment harmony:


We can say then that the human being must achieve the harmony of his body and mind interacting permanently with his environment, in order to meet their needs for growth and development for the consolidation of their quality of life, this trinomial will always mark the point of reference between success and failure in a particular learning process, since as individuals we must never see independently these three fundamental aspects for obtaining knowledge.

It is important to emphasize that the human being's ability to learn and remember is practically unlimited, since the capacity to create the brain can be infinite, so it is necessary to learn to learn using the full potential of our brain, as this will allow us to use simultaneously the logical mind.

Motivating language for trust:


It is important to use the appropriate language by the people in charge of carrying out a learning process, our ears are perhaps one of the most important senses to be able to expand our mind, in many occasions it happens to us, we believe it is difficult to perform any task or activity in any area of our lives but nevertheless, by finding an encouraging voice which allows us to raise our confidence, this makes us believe that any obstacle that we face has the ability to pass it on, therefore, the teacher has the responsibility of induce an optimal verbal language, that is, clear, simple and motivating to achieve in this way increase the interest and confidence of all those people who are with him (her) in the learning process.

When the person who learns increases their confidence in who guides them to a certain learning, awakens that intrinsic capacity to know and learn that we as human beings have, facilitating without doubt the learning of new activities in the future, making it clear that the ability to learn from anyone depends on their potential coefficient more than their IQ.

We can conclude that in order to achieve an adequate receptivity to the necessary learning in people, it is the implementation of all kinds of strategies (integrality) that allow them to use the totality of their brain, the conscious and unconscious mind, as well as their imagination, their senses, his emotions and of course the behavior of his body, all this keeping the wise relationship with our appreciated environment.

Until another delivery, thanking you in advance for your support.
