The State of Education - Richard Weston Jones

LETTER TO CONGRESS—September 21, 2022

If America is just an experiment for elected representatives, what is there for our youth to learn apart from representatives and their inclination for allowing and conforming to an unconstitutional, unethical, deterioration of our founders’ planned structure of limited government, and a planned, unconstitutional, unlimited growth of government from its limited, efficient design into an obscene, anti-American conglomerate that allows plunder and control of American citizens.

What is there for our youth to learn from representatives’ unethical selfishness, the use of amplified, scripted communications to exercise detached, narcissistic, unmerited money-grubbing, and politicians’ fear & trouble mongering. What is there to learn from representatives’ silence or feigned ignorance toward, what is obvious to most citizens, of common patterns of incompetence, corruption, espionage, and treason taking place in government.

What is there to learn from government spying, and weaponization of government against foreseen competition or known opposition; the engaging of methods to corrupt our election processes to achieve results in illegal outcomes.

There is more. Shall I go on?

Patriots are learned people of America, of our unique history. People with knowledge and wisdom gleaned from our founders’ experiences. The knowledge of all that was accomplished, what our founders and their families endured and sacrificed while carrying on through the brutal fight until victory was won. Giving their all to win our nation’s most important battle: our freedom, our total independence.

Those without this wonderful grasp of our American history have inherited little understanding, love or vision for our country. They are told, “America is just a nation like every other nation.” No understanding exists for them as to why Patriots love and defend our country, our religion, our Constitution, and all that made our nation exceedingly great.

Until allowed proper education by the Democrat [anti-American] Party and the Republican [passive] Party, American patriotism, and the lives of those who willingly sacrifice to keep our nation free, will remain a great mystery for the history-illiterate among us.
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