Secrets Of Microwave Oven


Microwave oven

  • Is a cooking tool that used to cook and warm foods. It is efficient and energy saver.

Lots of myths and misconceptions about the use and effects of microwave oven in our society. But what is the real truth? Is it helpful or a villains in our health.

First, let's talk about how Microwave oven works?

  • The molecules from the water is adapting the microwave radiation, so there by, it warms and heats up the food and its surrounding food from the microwave oven.

In an experiment, 2 cakes with the same ingredients, cooked up, one in the Conventional oven, and the other at Microwave oven, It has the same taste with actually almost no difference.

Microwave oven can also be used to cook for a 3 course meal.

Common Myths about Microwave oven

(A). Microwaves destroy the nutrients in food

  • This depends on the type of foods. It doesn't necessarily apply. Carbohydrates and proteins retains their nutritional content when cooked. However, for a fruit or vegetable, it destroy and diminish the vitamins due to the break down of essential nutrients.

(B). Microwaves cooks from the inside out

  • microwave can pass the heat for the first 2 cm of the food, Then the heat passes at the center thru the Process of heat induction.
    (That was why when ever we warm our food it is always hot outside and a bit cold at the center).

(C). Microwaves are not an energy saver, and insufficient appliance to cook

  • This cooking appliance saves energy and time, Because they cook quicker than a conventional oven .

(D). Microwave oven cause cancer

  • This has been a debate and an issue ever since, but the truth is.... Microwave used Electromagnetic Radiation- "IT IS NOT" a radiation from a nuclear plant that causes cancer. So therefore, It is perfectly safe to use microwave oven.


10 hacks for Microwave oven:

  1. Put the tomato for 30 - 60 seconds in a microwave oven to peel easily.

  2. Frothy milk on your coffee? A jar of milk with lid. Shake it, remove the lid and warm the milk for 30 seconds.

  3. Melt chocolates for 15 seconds, repeat for a desired consistency.

  4. To get more juice from a lemon, heat the lemon in a microwave oven in a high heat.

  5. Scrambled egg in a microwave oven, put it in a high heat for 3 minutes and stir for a nice consistency.

  6. Scattering the garlic on a plate, and heat it in high heat for 15 seconds can peel the garlic with ease. (A trick).

  7. For a crunchy toasted nuts, spread them in a plate. Heat up for 5 minutes and check frequently to avoid burning.

  8. To make a chips, like kale chips. put it in the. Microwave oven for 3 min and for more crispier texture, just heat it back for another 30 seconds.

  9. To soak up some fats from bacon, lay a tissue on the plate, spread the bacon and lay another tissue at the surface and heat it for 3 - 5 minutes.

  10. For disinfecting sponge, Place the sponge in the microwave in a high heat for few minutes. (Use thongs to take it out to avoid burning).

Things you should not put in a Microwave oven

  1. A whole egg

  2. Tin foils and forks - the charges from the end point can build and create sparks.

  3. a glass bottle and water - It can explode due to the heat.

Therefore, Microwave oven is a help. It is a kitchen appliance tool that makes our cooking life easy. It is being under rated and mis understood but knowing this facts makes our doubt at ease.

What do you think about Microwave oven? Do you use one?

Hope this helps. Thank you for reading.

All images are credit to Pixabay free image


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