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Study Better with these Smart Tricks!

No matter how good of a student you are, studying can get pretty much boring and to some extent, painful at one point. Some students even start losing focus after some time of studying on the same topic over and over again. I have passed out now but when I recall my exam time, I remember that the more time I spent on it, the more I would get distracted and lost. It was after a very long time that I discovered that I would go blank after some time because my brain needed a break, just like in office. When I know I have to be creative and productive, I take short breaks to relax my mind and to let it focus better. This is just of the hacks that have helped me throughout my student life as well. There are many other tricks out there that ensure smart planning of your study hours to let you secure better and understand your topic well.


Change the places of Study
The library might be a good place to gather study material and study in the peaceful and quiet environment. However, when you are trying to understand something and learn it by heart, staying at one place for a long time is not recommended. The reason is that you brain sensors find a connection with the location you are at and as soon as you change the place, there is a chance that you might go blank. You can try coffee shops, local parks, college canteen, your terrace or even a hospital. You might notice that some locations offer efficient learning so you can revisit them but don’t stick to those places only.


Stay present in the class
During my time of being a student, I was always very particular about attending my classes. I have to give the credit to my mom because she would never, I repeat, NEVER allow e to take an off if I ever even wanted to. So with time, I started liking attending lectures and taking notes. it made me understand better and I remember that everything I learned in class would stay with me for a long time, if not forever and it was much more fun to go through the topic later before exams.


Manage your time well
This is one of the most obvious advices to follow and anything you do in life needs this. I am talking about time management. A lot of the students leave it to the last day and spend their whole day memorizing and understanding different topics at a time and it all only jumbles up resulting in a blank state of mind at the time of the exam. vIe has been through it a lot. I have to admit that I am not very good with time management but I keep trying to manage it well with every experience. When it comes to studying, the best way is to cover up the topics gradually well before the exam season. It will not only stay in your mind but also save you from the confusion n and anxiety later.


Revise the topic on the same day
Like I said, attending classes is very important. What further compliments the process is revising it once or just going through it the same day after getting home. Trust me, you might get lazy at that time but it will stick to your mind for the longest time! In fact, it is one of the best ways to truly understand the concept.


Set a Goal
Set small goal so that you stay motivated. It is a useful trick for almost everything you do. Once you set a goal and achieve it, reward yourself with something good. This will keep you going in the future as well. However, what is important is that you take your deadlines seriously really work to achieve your aim. These aims can be understanding a topic within a short deadline or writing down important points that you have extracted from it and then going through them to check if they make sense. If they do, you know you have done a good job!


Exercise to fight Anxiety and Stay Active
Some people get annoyed by the idea of finding exercise as a part of a solution to almost everything! The fact is that it has been not only scientifically proven to bring down your stress level but it has also been tried and tested by so many people out there! Just give exercise some time of your day daily and observe how it increases your productivity and overall energy level.


Last but not the least, once you feel you have covered and understood a topic well, give yourself a test and check it for yourself!