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How the school destroy the children's talents and make them failures

It is painful to witness how modern education destroys the talents of children and cripples their souls. 90% of today's students will become infected. Our community is under the pressure of the matrix and can't understand the obvious truths. The education system is hopelessly obsolete. 90% unhappy people are too many. If a mineral water plant dropped 9 out of 10 bottles of dirty water, it would have been in prison for a long time. Thousands of schools each year "produce" people who will not be realized, will live poorly and will be lonely. Why is this happening? The causes of today's evil are in the past. Modern school was created 200 years ago. This institution has met certain needs of the industrial age when production is developing in England and new factories and banks are emerging. Serving them needed millions of dumb and obedient performers. Then, the system, contrary to the common sense, the nature of the child, evolution, was created.

We all know that kids love to play. In this way, learning becomes tens of times easier than behind a desk. Children have a lot of energy. They love laughing, running, jumping. The school penalizes the child for every manifestation of emotion, cheerfulness and curiosity. No development of the person, both at the physical and the intellectual level, can be said. Pedagogy is designed to destroy individuality, personality, to deprive the child of his personal opinion.

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Here are the specific reasons why school is harmful.

  • Modern science has already proven that the child learns effectively when it is wrong. The school does everything to create a fear of mistakes in children. For wrong answers punish - they make a poor assessment. In the future, these unhappy people will be afraid to experiment and make mistakes.

  • There are only two answers in the tests - correct and wrong. Thus children see the world flat. Many tasks, in fact, can be solved in thousands of correct ways.

  • Children don't have time to think. The modern learning process is designed so that the child is constantly engaged in meaningless work. Earlier, in the prime of philosophy, the teacher gave a job on the river bank and gave time for thinking. Students could argue for several days and ponder. Only by contemplating silence can one develop his mind.

  • Today's school kills one of our innate instincts - our quest for knowledge. Leonardo da Vinci has not studied at school. Only thanks to this he could develop and preserve his thirst for knowledge. Throughout his life he has made genius discoveries, remaining a student. His inventions surpassed his time by 500 years. Most students cease to study once they receive their diplomas. They hate the process and remain spiritual disabled.

  • All knowledge given in school with violence against personality and humiliation can be placed on a five dollar stick. The world is growing fast, the information ages quickly and becomes useless. It's only worthwhile learning to learn, which they do not teach at school.

The modern school lacks flexibility, adaptability and logic. In such a trap, even the best and most dedicated teachers feel helpless. Is there hope and will anything to change? The people against the matrix, the consciousness against the soullessness, the mind against the gear wheels of a rotten mechanism. When talking about the future of our children, everything is worth the effort. But let not just the written, but the done.Therefore, dear parents, if you have the opportunity to move your child into home learning - give him this happy opportunity without thinking. Criticizing school education, in no case are people condemned - exceptions, soul pedagogues. Even in this school hell they show courage and love to the children, giving them knowledge and inspiring them for future deeds. But, unfortunately, these are exceptions.