Hive is a Resource

I can still recall those early days a few years ago when I was struggling to understand DeFi and Liquidity Pools. It was like trying to learn advanced Klingon to someone like me living deep in this crypto-desert that I call home.

It took awhile, viewing tutorials and multiple blog posts on Hive, as many of them either left out certain steps, or spoke using lingo that a beginner couldn't understand. But slowly over time, things clicked, and I got it, much to my relief.

And the reason for all of that is that Hive is filled with a wealth of talented people in a myriad of fields willing to share their knowledge and expertise with eager readers (and viewers).

There's been a lot of learning on my part in the 7 years (in July) that I've been here, and hopefully, as much sharing from me as well. I've always said that I know a little bit about a lot of things, and you can chalk that up to a lifelong desire to read.

I can inhale a 3000 word-long blog post no problem. I can also write one too, as writing is my other passion. This duality of reading and writing has served me well from my early Blogger days, here on Hive, and on the other platforms I write for as well.

The best way to become a better writer is to keep writing. But what also helps is having a love for reading and a willingness to improve yourself via ingesting new information on a regular basis.

That's one of the reasons I still love this platform all these years later. No matter how niche the subject matter, there's someone with some expertise in it who can help to break it down for you.

Leo Glossary is yet another little garland on the Hive Christmas tree , where a young acolyte can get his feet wet in the knowledge pool of finance terms and more.

With this wealth of information available, the one thing I'd like to see is an improvement in the search feature.

I have a good feeling that the busy and often overworked developers will tackle that in a future time. And when they do, it'll unlock even more of the value inherent in our own little corner of the blockchain called Hive.

So tap your heels together three times as Dorothy did, close your eyes and repeat after me: "There's no place like Hive..., There's no place like Hive..., There's no place like Hive..."

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