Baby room, what to look for?

Do you know how to choose the right color, use it in everyday life? Once I thought about the fact that using colors and color combinations correctly, you can emphasize convenience and beauty, highlight something, and hide something else. Many parents faced the problem of choosing the wrong wallpaper for the room when they had to repaint something with a different color.

Today I want to give some recommendations on the design of a children's bedroom, which should be comfortable, cozy and quiet. Did you know that with the help of color you can improve your mood, influence your baby’s temperament and character formation?

Who said that the boy's room must be in blue?
Even the glow of the burning fireplace cannot dissipate the coolness of this color, but if you combine it with the natural beauty of light wood or the yellow-orange tint of children's furniture, the room will look much more comfortable.

For an active child who is full of energy, you can use a bold combination of solid contrasting colors. Funny colors will start him up, encourage him, cause a feeling of comfort, but you have to be careful with red color and not experiment with such challenging and bold shades.

Be sure to ask the child what he likes, so that he can help determine how to arrange his room.

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