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You Cannot Escape a Prison If You Don't Know You Are in One


Do you see that lovely blue sea outside those bars? Wouldn't you love to take a swim, or walk along the coast admiring the view?

What is stopping you?

Are the bars real, or in your mind?


"You Cannot Escape a Prison If You Don't Know You Are in One"

This phrase should really make anyone who reads it think and question it...

It is likely that you will at first think I'm not in a prison, and you might think that I'm babbling, but please do read on...

The world is full of limitless opportunities. What is stopping you from grabbing all the ones that have your name on it?

Are you asking what opportunities? Where are they?

Your mind can be your prison.

For one, you are on Steemit, this is one huge opportunity in itself - to explore creative avenues, learn new things, watch what other people are doing if you like.


Do you think you have nothing to offer?

Think again, every last one of us is valuable and has something to offer the world, we just need to open up our eyes to see it.

It could be your art, your words, your inspiration, your compassion, your advice, your opinion and we all have one of those.

Life is about grabbing the opportunities to make it meaningful, but if we are locked up somewhere inside our brains, then we are not experiencing what life should be.



The world is changing.

People are realizing that their freedom is not tied to the societal expectations (another prison), but it is to do what is in their hearts and minds.

We just need to take time to listen and realize our dreams.

The opportunities are endless.

Comfort zones are prisons. That comfy sofa and engrossing tv show, or outrageous reality show are escapes, but escapes from what could be.

I'm not saying don't watch anything, but please don't make that your life every evening for the rest of your days, unless that is what makes you happy of course.

There is so much potential in you, set it free and discover how the world opens up for you when you step outside that prison.

Sometimes it seems like that we have created our own prison, by building houses with 4 walls and picket fences. We put ourselves in these prisons and nothing else matters outside these 4 walls.

We are human and we are intelligent, let's not let technology and modern life put a dampener on all we could be.

Instead, let's rock the world with ripples and find the opportunities with our names one.

Here is the key, take it...



With <3 @hopehuggs

Thanks to Pixabay for the pictures :)



A Key to Freedom?
