Online Learning - WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LEARN? Check out my first ever Vlog #0 and explore the idea of LIFELONG LEARNING

Several years back I wrote an article that was featured on Permaculture News, this is when I was still looking for ways to earn money online that stacked functions with what we were doing on the farm. I never received payment for this article, possibly because it wasn't enough by itself to break the payout threshold. Now I have found Steemit, and all that has become a moot point.

But the article had to do with available online courses from sites like and I love these sites and use them frequently. Down delow is a video that I uploaded for a class project in Leaders of Learning through HarvardX.


Lately, more and more sites are coming out with free resources for online learning.

I fell in love with free and open online learning first with Khan Academy, with its extremely likeable founder Sal Khan, came to my attention in 2012. Since then I have been transfixed by brushing up on my remedial math, watching art history videos and generally enjoying videos about learning new things.

More recently, now that I am a legal permanent resident of Colombia, I have been trying out their national education program (SENA), which has begun to add great content; although its free, its not quite as open. While time limits make things a little tougher, great courses like Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural are what, I think, will make Colombia move forward competetively through the 21st century.

Another very promising upstart is They use education as a great excuse to help make websites for worthy non-profits, and I have been (lightly, but every push helps!) helping with the spanish translation project so that we can eventually get this platform into local highschools here in Colombia.

The future is bright, and education is the key. We are blessed to live in an age where education can unlock a lot of what we feel is missing in our society, but it will take many of us, working very hard, to change the world in a meaningful way.

Check out my first ever live video talking around the topic of education.

This video is technically our Video log #0! It has a number of unique elements in it, mostly involving pets. See how many pets you can spot! I believe that I am answering a question similar to: How do people learn best?

Leave me a comment letting me know what online educational platforms you like, and for what reasons!

Love and Light!

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