Homestead Caption Contest now Closed!

I am so thrilled by the outcome of the first homestead caption contest! I have learned a few things about the trending page that I will be sharing with you all soon. But what about the prizes?

Currently I am sifting through the entries to select the final winners, and should have the announcement and prizes paid by Sunday!

Did I win?

Steem is a blockchain with so much potential, and the more I look into new blockchain tech, the more I realize how amazing it really is that we are all here, most of us with very little tech knowledge, plugging away on our beta blockchain.

I am just warming up for round 2 here on steem, I have lots of backlog and lots to do to make the world a better place, sharing pictures and my opinions with you guys all (northern) summer long. I also want to get back to my tech education, so you might see me back on utopian.

I don't recall standing in a box....

But mostly I want to continue connecting with all of you. To all my new and old followers alike I would encourage you to leave thoughtful comments to make me laugh or make me think. I have been known to reward the very best comments with upvotes for life from SBI!

I will continue to experiment, support, write, photograph and play around on Steem, and will keep looking out for opportunities to expand the reach of our very own blockchain.

The loser...

One of the facts of life is that for tjere to be winners, there must be losers. Though I am preparing to pick more than 20 participants to he recognized as winners, some of the jokes just won't make it. Don't fret or regret, keep at it!

Are you looking for a supportive group trying to make the world a better place? Check out the fantastic @ecotrain to follow commited and interesting users working to acheive just that goal!


Love and Light for all!

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