The Venezuelan Problem that Affects America and The Rest of The World

Nicolas Maduro is a symptom of a more serious illness that is present all over the world. Just to mention some recent "leaders": Cristina Kirchner in Argentina, Humala's Family in Peru, Lula da Silva in Brazil, Obama followed by Trump in USA, Rajoy in Spain etc. They show that the citizens of each country are trying to escape the oppression, and every four or five years they put all their dreams in a fiction called democracy. Then new leaders and political parties change little or nothing, and at the end of their period, the tension is greater.

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We have 50 or 60 consecutive years where the internal agencies that regulate and balance the power within each country, along with the middle class, have been weakening by a more complex and faceless power that manages all in the name of profitability.

In this food chain, first are the millionaires with more than 50 million in assets, equivalent to the 0.001% of world's population, followed by banks and corporations, then political groups and the military force, then the president, regional leaders, politicians and local leaders, the "upper class", local police, children, women, the elderly, pets, regular "middle class" men, and finally the poor; More or less that is our social pyramid in each country. In the midst of this inequality, we have "right" of choice every five years to change the names of those in the middle of the chain. However, laws and benefits only flow upward.

In Venezuela and the world, billionaires (local and foreign) control the energy, communications and transportation companies; these sectors combined define any economy. More over, the laws are structured to assign more power for the wealthiest. Nicolas Maduro is a puppet in this whole chain, now that he is no longer convenient for them he might end up being killed or imprisoned. The next president will come; he will try to change everything but he will encounter a systematic problem that will exceed him.

This happens in all countries in the middle of a bacchanal propaganda that blurs our reality, and every time the problem is emphasized, this bacchanal, purchased or funded by the corporatocracy, labels the act as "conspiracy theory"; discrediting and redirecting the sincere criticism, trying to convince us that it is not worthed to "waste" time talking about these issues. Their main weapon is our ignorance.

Personally, I do not see a quick fix to all this, but I'm sure that the first step is to raise awareness, open our eyes and understand what happens. Let us not to fight for a flag, nor for a political party, nor for a leader; let's fight for our freedom and equality; Let's fight for our dignity and do not let us be persuaded by a few candies.

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